Eily’s Report – 4th April

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to my weekly Report.

Is there anything nicer than to see a herd of milch cows going out on a lush green field of grass for the first time in the season. There is something noble and tranquil about a milch cow. Dry stock are like teenagers all their life, for one thing they never lose their youth because they are bred to produce beef and it has to be tender so they are never allowed get old. On the other hand the milking cow lives on, the young buzz goes out of her. She has a calf every year, which develops a maternal instinct in her and because she lives on the farmer and herself get acquainted. They don’t all age in the same way. Like ourselves they differ in their temperament and ways. Some like to have you near them in the hope of getting a nice pat on the rump as they make their way to or from the pasture, others never trust you and will stay well inside the body of the herd where they obviously enjoy the safety of numbers. In our time there was no other way but to open the gap after milking and release the herd out on to the field where they often showed their glee but galloping off, especially if the field was sloped, how they loved to take advantage of it to enjoy a moment of freedom before starting to graze. Thus ruining a lot of the fine green grass. Thanks to modern methods and modern thinking, that is all changed now. Pastures are divided up into manageable paddocks and roads built where the animals will walk in formation, until they reach their goal. Even then a large paddock can be sectioned off by electric fencing , which is moved on as required, so that the precious feed is  not soiled or wasted. When they first reach the pasture ,it’s as though their eyes are bigger than their bellies and they feed voraciously  for a short while  and then as if by some unknown order they all lie down and contently chew the cud and after a brief sojourn they’re up a feeding again. This goes on all day, with the milk building up in their udders, until they answer the call to return to the milking parlour to shed their load.  But I still miss the sight of the herd galloping off into a field of fresh grass and throwing their tails in the air showing to all a sundry, their obvious relief at being relieved of many gallons of  heavy, creamy milk. God is Good.

This is Holy Week, the final week of Lent and we would be well advised to put our hearts and souls into it. The world was never so much in need of prayers and this week we have many outlets for our devotion both for ourselves and others. Please look up the website for details of all the church services.  Some like to pray alone, the church is open from early to late  every day. The Stations of the Cross is one thing which appeals to most and can be said any time. Good Friday is special, remembering the death of Jesus on the Cross and following the 3 o’clock devotions  on that day, we’ll have the  start of the Devine Mercy Novena, which will run from Good Friday April 7th  to  Sunday April 16th. Ending  with a special ceremony at 3pm.which will include Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, The recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet, a sermon by the priest, plus confessions and  blessing of divine objects. The Novena can be recited privately or in the company of a group who will meet in the church every day at 3 beside the Divine Mercy stand. Please give this wonderful novena your full support, there are so many troubled people who are waiting for your prayers.

Eucharistic Adoration in Millstreet Church as usual every Tuesday from 10.30am to 7.30pm.

Don’t forget to hand  in the proceeds of you Trocaire box this week. So many outlets waiting for your help.

Here are the results of this weeks lotto draw which was held on Sunday night. Numbers drawn were 9,14,25,29 and the Jackpot was not won. €100 went o Norma O’Leary c/o Michelle Whelan. €50 went to Marcella and Tade c/o The Wallis Arms Hotel. €20 each went to John Twohig, Mallow, c/o Colemans. Becky Murphy, c/o Caroline at the Bridge Bar. Catherine Jenks c/o Colemans, John P MCAuliffe, c/o The Bush Bar, Tommy Burke, c/o Ann, Anne, Alan, Emma & Chloe, c/o PJ Creedon.

Next draw Mon. Apr.10th Jackpot €7.400.

The fine days make a big change in the garden, with many new bloomers coming into flower, also makes the grass grow and needs to be cut, please save the dandelions for the birds  and leave some  areas  go ‘A naturale’ where things of the wild can make a home. And keep our country sides, everywhere, clean and litter free.

The latest attempt that the scammers tried on me came in the form of a message on my Phone to say that I had been recorded using the motorway without paying the appropriate charges of 6.40 and to  visit the given address or an additional fine of 97,50 will be sent to my address.  I was happy to have been with friends when the message came who quickly told me that it was one of the latest scams. So be on the alert. I haven’t been on a toll motorway in years.

Please take care over the weekend. Easter Sunday always brings on an air of  joy and abandon, when the shackles of Lent are gone. Traffic will be immense and speed  excessive so be careful. Maybe the short little prayer to our angel wouldn’t go amiss.  ‘Oh angel of God ,my guardian dear, to whom God’s Love commits me here. Ever this day be at my side to light and guard to rule and guide.’ Amen.

Aubane social Club will host a gala Easter Egg Hunt on Easter Saturday April 8, from 10.30am. Also bouncing Castle and raffle. Admission  €5 per child.

Our Post Office will be closed on Good Friday.

Check you social events this week in case they are changed because of Holy Week. Our Community Singers received many compliments ,following their recent appearance in Church for Mass. This morning Tues. they will perform at the Canon O’Donovan Centre from 10.30.

The men’s shed hold a bowls session at the Wallis Arms Hotel every week. All welcome . Give the Hotel a ring for details.

In closing I wish you all a very Happy and safe Easter

Agus sinn abfuil a cairde Slán is Beannacht Dé libh go léir.

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