On this Tuesday – 1st August 2023 …. St. Alphonsus Legouri Feast Day– preceded by “Jimmy Reidy & Friends” with a wonderful programme from the splendid Archival Show where the focus is on Ballyhoura at 8pm (the repeat of which one may hear after the Maureen Henry Show on Sunday night just after 10.30pm) we invite you to also tune into “Radio Treasures” this Tuesday from 9.10 to 11.30pm on Cork Music Station. Feel very welcome to contact the live programme by emailing corkmusicstation @gmail.com or texting 086 825 0074 – One may also WhatsApp that number. Tonight’s programme includes : At 10pm A Visit to Mallow Arts Festival 2023 where we feature the Photographic Exhibition of Gerard O’Meara and we hear a very special Tribute to Mallow’s Tommy Duggan – national soprano extraordinaire of 1950s and 1960s and gentleman supreme – lots of Interviews during the wonderfully successful Arts Festival event. Tap on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)