O’Leary Clan Gathering Scheduled for Millstreet Visit This Saturday, 9th Sept. 2023

Patrick W. O’Leary from Louisville, Kentucky, USA on this Monday, 4th Sept. 2023 arrived in Ireland at Shannon Airport, firstly visiting Millstreet before proceeding to Macroom from where he will travel on a very regular basis to Inchigeela as one of the main Coordinators the O’Leary Clan Gathering.   On this Friday the Clan Gathering begins at Inchigeela in the afternoon where the International Visitors will at 4pm attend an open-air Mass celebrated by Fr. O’Leary with the recently renovated Castle in the background where the altar will be on a special rock as if it was a Mass Rock of bygone centuries.  At Joe Creedon’s Hotel following the celebration of Mass there will be a very interesting address by Helen Hallissey regarding  Art Ó Laoghaire.   On Saturday the Clan will leave Inchigeela at 10am arriving later at Carriganima where Joe O’Leary will address the Visitors within the coach.  We expect the O’Leary Clan Gathering to arrive at St. Patrick’s Church Grounds, Millstreet by 11.20am where they will be musically greeted by the wonderful sound of the Pipes.   Then, after a group photograph, a visit to the Church itself, St. Patrick’s Cemetery, Millstreet Museum, the Pádraig Pearse Plaque at Corkery’s Bar, Lunch at the Wallis Arms Hotel, a visit to Drishane Estate with special focus on the castle, a visit to Drishane Cemetery from where I shall drive ahead of the coach to bring the Clan to the Kerryman’s Table at Mushera and St. John’s Holy Well where our Visitors will get an opportunity to view the truly exquisite panoramic scene during such amazingly fine weather.  I shall then leave the group as they proceed towards Coachford, Kilcreagh  Abbey and then returning to Inchigeela where I shall later join them for the special evening activities at Creedon’s Hotel.   Tap on the images below to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Nigel at the Wallis Arms Hotel welcomes Patrick W. O’Leary.
Meeting with Ted McCarthy in Macroom on Wednesday. Ted also has Millstreet connections.

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