Millstreet Parish Newsletter – 10th Sept. 2023



Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

10th Sept. 2023

Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P.

Telephone Nos.:  Landline:  029 70043  &  Mobile: 087 775 2948

Email:  millstreet


All Masses are livestreamed on

Parish Opening Hours 

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 

10.00am to 1.00pm  &  2.00pm to 5.00pm

RECENT DEATHS:   Fr. Eustace McSweeney, Tooreenbawn & Dublin 

 Mass Intentions this Weekend:

Saturday 9th September:                          

Millstreet Vigil 6.15 p.m. Tadgh & Timmy Moynihan, Ballydaly & Millstreet;  Denis & Joan Corkery, Shanaknuck. 

Sunday 10th September:                            

Ballydaly    9.30 a.m.    Joan & Denis Cronin & Jerh Noonan,  Coolinarne 

 Millstreet 11.30 a.m.  Jimmy Galvin, Murphy’s Tce. & Derrinagree  (1st Anniversary), Kathleen Murphy, Drishane Road;  Sheila & Denny Joe Cronin, Main Street.   

 ANNIVERSARIES: Christy Kelleher, Kilmeedy; Neily Duggan, Lackabawn; Donal Lynch, Kippagh; Michael Casey, Tooreenbawn; Han Radley, Minor Row; Dannie & Peggy O’Sullivan, Two Gneeves; Joan O’Rahilly (née Creedon) Ballyvouskill & N.J; Margaret O’Connor, (née Halliden) Rathcoole & Millstreet; Mary Cahalane, Courtmacsherry.                                                 


Saturday 16th September:                               

Millstreet   6.15 p.m.    Alan & Tommy O’Connor, Minor Row;    Nonie, Dan & Mary Lehane, Tullig.

 Sunday 17th September:            

Cullen          9.30a.m. Jack Thade & Annie Murphy & deceased members of Murphy Family, Mologhroe ;   Pat Kelleher, Lisnaboy; Connie & Loretta O’Connor, Knockngurrane;  Dannie & Peggy O’Sullivan, Two Gneeves.   

Millstreet 11.30 a.m.  John D & Noreen Murphy, Inchileagh & their daughter  Mary;   Den Joe Kelleher, Station Road.  

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every Tuesday in Millstreet Church from 10.30a.m. to 7.30p.m. All welcome.  

Rotas for Next Weekend    16th & 17th September   





  6.15 p.m.   Maria Kelleher      Group E 
  11.30  a.m.     Pat Breen   Group A 




9.30 a.m.   Maria Morley     Derry Morley 

MILLSTREET CHURCH: Mass times this week, unless there is a funeral

Mass on Monday (11th) Millstreet Active Retired at 10.00am 

Mass on Tuesday (12th) for Jimmy O’Sullivan, Newmarket at 10.00am

Mass on Wednesday (13th) for People of the Parish at 10.00am. 

Mass on Thursday  (14th) for Private Intention at 10.00am

Mass on Friday (15th) for Michael & Mary Collins, Fedamore at 7.30pm 

CONFESSIONS:  Every Saturday in Millstreet Church 12.30pm.-1.00p.m. 

LEGION OF MARY: Meeting on Tuesday night in The Parish Centre at 7.30p.m

CULLEN CHURCH:   Mass on next Thursday at 7.30pm Eugene & Peggy Cronin;      Kit Hickey, Knockduff;      Hannah O’Sullivan, Two Gneeves  


PASTORAL AREA PRIEST ON DUTY Sunday 10th Sept. Fr. John Fitzgerald (029700043/Mobile 087-7752948                           

Community Notices 

MIILLSTREET PIPE BAND  Church Gate Collection in Millstreet on 16th & 17th  Sept.. Your continued support is very much appreciated. 

BALLYDALY HALL Set dancing will begin on Wed. 13th @ 8.30pm. All welcome 

MILLSTREET COMMUNITY COUNCIL AGM will be held on Tues. 19th Sept & 8 pm in Adult Education Centre. New members welcome. 

CULLEN & DISTRICT SPECIAL NEEDS ASSOCIATION Meeting on Mon 11th Sept @ 8pm. The Committee wish to thank all who contributed in any way to the success of the recent Vintage afternoon. 

MILLSTREET GRAMOPHONE CIRCLE Presentation by Anne McCarthy, Boherbue on Fri 15th Sept. @ 8.15pm in Canon O’Donovan Centre. Everybody welcome. 

AUBANE COMMUNITY CENTRE  Set dancing will begin  Monday 25th Sept @ 9.15pm with Ger Murphy. All welcome 

PILGRIMAGE TO KNOCK   The Annual Pilgrimage of the Legion of Mary to Knock Shrine will be held on Sun 24th Sept. For details contact Pat 086/8510423. 

ROSARY ON MAIN STREEET, KILLARNEY The Statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be on Main St. Killarney on Wed.13th Sept. Prayers begin @ 3pm. 

THE TOTUS TUUS MEN OF CHRIST  Conference 2023 on Radio Maria Sat. 16th Sept @ 2pm.  

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