Hi all, there are three students Tara Kelleher, Abbie Linehan and Emily Morris Murray from Millstreet secondary school doing a project for BT Young Scientist on mandatory driving lessons and the affects of them on road fatalities since they were introduced in 2011.
It would be much appreciated if you could fill in these surveys.
There is one for people who got their drivers licence before 2011 and one for people who got their licence after 2011, thanks.
•Fill this in if you got your driving license before 2011: https://forms.office. com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx? id=d_cR6SItXUCWIFcoOGJnlun- I5KimZ1Emp_- IFeIdfxUM1NKQUhWSlZETU85N1RYM1 VSSEI5OFhDNS4u
•Fill this in if you got your driving license after 2011: https://forms.office. com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx? id=d_cR6SItXUCWIFcoOGJnlun- I5KimZ1Emp_- IFeIdfxUOUk3RElDVFBZNkFXTlNET0 QwQVFNNDBFSC4u