Eily’s Report – 12th December

Dia is Mhuire díobh go léir a cáirde and welcome to my Report.

I usually look out, actually step out first thing every morning, no matter what the weather. I like to fill my lungs with the fresh air, it’s gets my system going for the day. Following a severe weather forecast as I went to bed, I eyed a few details around the place to see if I’d suffered any damage. Lucky for me, there was none and I said a little prayer of thanks to God. But there were a couple of signs that showed that some severe gushes passed my way. Tubs full of wet compost etc. were lying over, the first time ever.  It was all calm and dry when I went out, there was a perky blackbird searching for food in the garden.  Picking away as if all was well with  him. I spent a little time observing him, looking so together not a feather out of place. I couldn’t help asking him, where did he sleep last night? Later the robin appeared as I had my breakfast, looking at him outside my window the same question came into my mind. Where did you find solace during the long hours of darkness and storm. Where do they set up home ,how can they find a place that will be safe and dry ,and will stand up to the raging   gushes of wind. Especially during the long months of Winter when the trees have shed their foliage and hedges all cut down. The rapid changes in temperatures and weather conditions a continuous challenge. It’s hard to imagine the we had heavy frost in the middle of last night (Sunday) A friend who had a call of nature in the very early hours saw a bright starry sky with ice on her windows. We could pull up another blanket but  but what can our friends in the wild do. Maybe not all of them make it, but those who do are worthy of great praise for the way they brush themselves off and look all neat and refreshed to face the new day. We really do owe them a little of our time plus a few nuts or crumbs, don’t we?

In spite of wind and weather the spirit of Christmas is all around. Our Active retired Club held their annual Christmas Dinner and Party on Saturday at the Wallis Arms, for in-excess of seventy members. Some from Kanturk, Macroom and Rathmore and Gneeveguilla.  The meal was sublime, beautifully served with items on the menu to suit every taste. A free raffle was held for lots of lovely prizes. The renowned Peter Lane, of Blackwater Sound fame kept the floor full of revellers for hours. Well done to our organisers who plan these wonderful events for us and not just at Christmas, but throughout the year.  On the previous day the ladies of the Gneeveguilla Club dined in the Wallis Arms.

Our St. V de Paul committee held their annual church gate collection at all masses at the weekend. Please be reminded that if you missed it, the fund is still open and donations will be welcomed by any member.

Items for hampers for the homeless are also being filled and can be handed in at O’Regans Mills, Boherbue Ed. Centre, Millstreet Car park  beside the Carnegie Hall  Friday 15th 2.30 to 3.30. Again on Saturday 11.30 to 12.30 Non-perishable goods. Also Toiletries i.e.  toothpaste and brushes, shampoos, shower gel. Good quality  warm scarfs, socks, jumpers coats gloves, underwear.

Collections in Dernagree Church Car Park on Saturday from 1 pm to 2. For details ring Margaret Crean 087 221 2864.

Our Mass, the second Sunday of Advent was very well attended again for the second of the four masses in the ‘Grow in Love Program’ .  Alter servers attended as did our Church choir and Parents with their children who are due to get their First Holy Communion in 2024 occupied the seats nearest to the alter. The theme for this week is to help children to prepare for the birth of Christ. Each child received a  special gift from the parish for their homes to help them to understand that ‘Jesus is the ‘reason for the season’ of Christmas. Also during the week each child will be asked to make a simple Christmas card which will be sent to people in our local Hospital or Canon O’Donovan Centre.

Boys  of our National school will give a carol service in our Church on This Friday Morning December 15th  in Millstreet Church from 10 am. Please attend it well. All welcome.

A very useful card re our pastoral area was distributed by Sharon as we left the Church on Sun. It contains at the Mass times over the Christmas period in all the Churches in our pastoral area and lots more. I’m sure more copies could be got by ringing the Parish Office 029 70043.

We are all invited to our wonderful Adult Learning Centre this Friday December 15 for the Awards ceremony and Open Day from 12 noon to 2pm. Program includes Some Learners receiving Awards, Art display, Horticulture Chat and Guide Advice on Foraging and Preserving. Check out their Brochure for January 2024 with over 30 classes to choose from. Enjoy it all while sipping some warming Mulled Punch and Seasonal Nibbles. An event not to be missed. See you there.

I’m sure that people who went by familiar with the scenic Bearra Way will be sad to hear that the well known PEG’S Shop at Adrigole is closed down. Sad indeed, Peg O’Sullivan lived to the ripe old age of a hundred and served her customers right up to the end and even though she is gone a number of years now, and others took over, her name remained, and will  dv. The nearest places for the locals to get their daily needs are Glengarriffe, nine miles away or CastletownBere ten miles west. Being a local herself Peg knew everybody who came and went. Had the interest to ask how they were. She welcomed those who went away and got to know their families when they came along. Made them welcome, ‘how long are ye staying’ and filled them in on the local news as they bought one of her home-made apple tarts to bring to the house they were going to. When the campsite just over the road fills up in the summer they’ll have no place to get the daily needs. Those who took over were just as hospitable as Peg and with the closure that beautiful homely place will lose a lot more than a country shop. They are losing that thread which has bound them all together for generations. Another big loss to rural Ireland.   Could we dare to hope that Peg’s Shop will open again some time in the future.

As always we are all asked to please shop at home. All of our places do vouchers the easiest way of all to give, while at the same time supporting our own town. Our Community Council Calendar and the Seanchas Duthalla  magazine are in the shops  and ready available for you to give. The Holly Bough never fails to please and its on sale here. Further to that I have a few nice books which I would like to pass on or swap.  I do not read fiction. I like to read the real thing. Peoples lives or experiences and so on. So I have a few of the likes to pass on. I like reading about Royalty or British politicians. They provide me with some great escapism . Other people’s lives can be so entertaining  and educational I love them . If I can get a book a good one , I don’t need TV nor radio or anything.  Margaret O’Sullivan, Rathduane wrote the book of her life some years ago, but I didn’t discover until quiet recently  and when I got it I couldn’t put it down. Fine sized print on dull paper that won’t shine when you’re trying to read it. I Have the Jack Lynch Story. Penny Apples with a Cork and Dublin flavour.   Anne Glenconner’s book called Lady in Waiting  and some by Alice Taylor etc. I’d love to pass them on. Give me a ring at 086 316 3285.

Here are the results of this weeks lotto draw which was held on Sunday night. Numbers drawn were 8,10,15,28 and the Jackpot was not won. €100 went to  Denis ,Conor, Hannelie, Eileen & Hugh at O’Regan’s Mill, The seller was O’Regans and they got €50 sellers prize. €50 went to Mary O’Connor, Keale, c/o Colemans. €20 each went to Noreen and Emma, Post Office c/o Mary O’Connor. James Hickey, Kilmeedy.  Emma and Stephen c/o Colemans. Marie Lehane c/o Jerry. Sheila Barrett, c/o The Bush. Hanratty Family, c/o Mike Healy, Patrick and Susie c/o Corkery Bar, Aoife and Diarmuid Collins  c/o Colemans. Next Draw December 17th Jackpot €14,800. Please take note that this Sunday night draw will be the last one before Christmas. Until  Sunday January 14, 2024.

Look up our website for details of all that is happening in the Christmas Season. The Pub in Carriginma has a long list of entertainment lined up and the Aubane Social centre have a Kiddies Movie night this Friday night December 15th.

Make a note of the Open Day at our Adult Learning Centre this Friday from 12 noon.  After the Boys Carol Service in the Church from 10am. Please let me know if you have an item that you would like included.

Sinn a bfuil a cáirde, Slán is beannacht Dé libh go leir.

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