Millstreet Parish Newsletter – 17th Dec. 2023



Third Sunday of Advent

17th Dec. 2023

Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P.

Telephone Nos.:  Landline:  029 70043  &  Mobile: 087 775 2948

Email:  millstreet


All Masses are livestreamed on

Parish Opening Hours 

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 

10.00am to 1.00pm  &  2.00pm to 5.00pm

RECENT DEATHS: Sr. Ita Higgins, Drishane Sister;  Eily Twomey, Rylane.

Mass Intentions this Weekend:

Saturday 16th December:

Millstreet   6.15p.m.   Daniel Nicholas O’Connell, Liscahane & Clonbanin (First Anniversary);  John Kelleher, Station Road;  Julia Murphy, Gortavehy.

Sunday 17th December:

Ballydaly 9.30a.m. Timmy D. Kiely, Ballydaly (recently deceased) & the deceased members of the Kiely Family;  Eddie Murphy, Ballydaly;  Frank & the deceased members of the Brosnan Family, Rathduane.

Millstreet 11.30a.m. Donie Casey, Cloghoula;  Tom Barrett, Killowen;  The deceased members of Dennehy Family, Murphy’s Tce;  Con O’Sullivan, Claramore.

ANNIVERSARIES: Canon Donagh O’Donovan; Han & Luke O’Keeffe, Tanyard; Michael O’Riordan, Tullig; Kit & Ted Radley, Minor Row; Connie Hartnett, The Bridge; Daniel O’Connell, West End; Ted O’Connor, West End; Timmy Duggan, West End; Bobby Cronin, The Rectory; Mary Cotter Murphy’s Terrace; Patrick Buicke, Murphy’s Terrace; Dan & Mary O’Connor, Cloghoulabeg; Denis & John O’Riordan, Knocknakilla; Jack Hickey, Knocknagullane;  Jack Murphy, Cahirdowney; Seán & Helena Hegarty, Dublin; Gobnait Twomey, Ballingeary (First Anniversary); Sr. Eileen O’Donoghue, Cahirbarnagh & England; Martin Lawlor, Manchester & Millstreet; Julia Sheehan; Jerry Dennehy, Bolomore.

Mass Intentions for NEXT WEEKEND:

Saturday 23rd December:

Millstreet   6.15p.m.   The deceased members of the Barrett Family, Aubane;  John, Patrick & Lucy Murphy, Mallow.

Sunday 24th December:

Millstreet 11.30a.m. Private Intention


Christmas Eve – Sunday 24th: Cullen at 7.00p.m.

       Millstreet at 9.30p.m.

Christmas Day – Monday 25th: Millstreet at 8.30a.m.

Ballydaly at 9.30a.m.

Millstreet at 11.30a.m.

All Masses will be offered for People of the Parish

Christmas Carols will be sung before Mass in Millstreet from 8.30p.m. on 24th

Rotas for next weekend 23rd/24th December


Millstreet 6.15 p.m. Sharon Lane Group A 
  11.30 a.m. Pat Breen Group B
Rotas for Christmas Eve & Christmas Day 24th/25th December


Cullen 24th  7.00 p.m. Patricia Murphy Ann O’Mahony;

Denis O’Mahony;

Irene Duggan.

Millstreet 24th 9.30p.m. Mary Ita Creedon Group B
Millstreet 25th 8.30a.m Maria Kelleher Tadhg Buckley; Jerry Buckley;

Teresa Cronin

  11.30 a.m. Jerry Doody  Group C
Ballydaly 25th 9.30 a.m. Eileen Guerin Mary Guerin-O’Leary; Marcella Moynihan.

Millstreet Church: Mass times this week unless there is a funeral.

Mass on Tuesday (19th) for Christy & Noreen Dennehy, Church St. at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Wednesday (20th) for People of the Parish at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Thursday (21st) for Nora Mary Lavelli, Surrey & Millstreet (recently deceased) & Ted & Jim O’Connor, West End at 10.00a.m.

Exposition Of the Blessed Sacrament Tuesday in Millstreet Church 10.30 a.m.- 7.30pm (please note this is the last day for 2023)

PENITENTIAL SERVICE on Tuesday night at 7.30p.m. in Millstreet

CULLEN CHURCH COLLECTORS 24th: Willie O’Connell & Jerome Ryan

BALLYDALY CHURCH COLLECTOR for 25th Dec: Jerry Lehane   

PASTORAL AREA PRIEST ON DUTY: Sunday 17th: Fr. Pat O’Donnell (064) 7758026/ (086) 8351732. Sunday 24th: Fr. Joe Tarrant (064) 7751104/ (086) 3978642.


Our Annual Christmas Door collection in aid of our Restoration Fund will take place at all Christmas Masses.  We thank you for your continued support.

Community Notices

  • CAKE SALE after Masses in Millstreet this weekend in the Parish Centre to help cover the costs for the 5th year students from MCS travelling to Lourdes as helpers at Easter 2024.
  • PRESENTATION CONVENT NS: Carol Service on Monday 18that 7.00p.m. in Millstreet Church
  • MILLSTREET TOWN PARK AGM on Friday 26thJanuary at 8.30p.m. in Millstreet Day Care Centre.

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