Absolutely brilliant performance by Dromtariffe Drama Group at Dromtariffe Community Hall on Friday, 8th March 2024. I attended the magnificent Play on Friday night. The outstanding acting, the superb set, the overall ambience of the venue – truly delighted the capacity audience. Here we recall by sharing the initial photographic selection the totally uplifting event. Sincere congratulations to Dromtariffe Drama Group and background Team on such a very memorable night of great entertainment with so many of the performances of Oscar standard! Tap on the images to enlarge. (S.R.)
Thanks so much Sean for supporting us & to all who supported us. It would be no good without an audience, we really appreciate it.
Most welcome, Angela – Renewed sincere congratulations on such a hugely impressive and superbly entertaining Production thoroughly enjoyed by All of the capacity audiences attending. We all look forward to future presentations.
Heartwarming to read this article. Thank you so much everyone for the encouragement and support. It really is very much appreciated.
Angela Lyons.