Eily’s Report – 28th May

Dia is Mhuire dióbh go léir a cairde and welcome to my Report.

My last report in the month of May. And looking back it wasn’t a bad one. We got a fair mix of sun and rain and now that we are into the last quarter they tell us it will be rain all the way to the end, so we wait with baited breath.  I bet we’ll get a few sunny spots too.

 This week sees yet another mighty International Equestrian event coming to Millstreet. The Bloodstock of the globe and their owners will thunder into town during the week and perform  at the Green Glens on Friday and Saturday and the following two days, eventing  over the lavish planes of Drishane.  The great thing is that admittance is free all the way so people of all ages, creed and colour will get an opportunity to view it . The first International Horse Show was held in 1979.  Millstreet was a very different place back then. A humble hamlet, trying to hold on to the few good shops and stores which were winding down from a few successful years. Our town was ripe for change, for improvement, for new thinking and on it came with the Duggan Family. When you live long enough you get to see a lot and you remember a lot.  You tend to appreciate the changes for the better that took place in the town that you love so well. Only driving into the car park in the West End gives me a lift. Because in my young days all that place was a wilderness. Big black iron gates and just inside, a black-clad little woman  still there from the days when the person in the gate lodge had to be on the alert to open the gates the minute the lord and lady or whoever needed to go through. Nobody only those who saw it then and sees it now can appreciate the wonderful changes and improvements that have come to reality since then. The wide open entrance, the spacious carpark, the Community Hall, The youth Centre, the public toilets, even the funeral home,  the creche, the majestic Carnegie Hall, all done up, our beautiful Town Park, I love them all, because I knew the place when they were not there. No public toilet in the town can you imagine and I can well remember the fight we had to get it installed. I am the last surviving founder member of the Community Council, which was formed in 1977 and  I’m proud to say that I’ve been there and worked for it all in whatever way I could, because I wanted better for my town. And we did get great work  done, needing endless fundraising and pleading with our public servants and Govern departments.  If they  were all listed it would make interesting reading I’m sure.

But time keeps on changing and the road to advancement knows no end. I’m still deeply interested in what goes on in my Community ,even though I know that I’m losing ground fast as younger minds and better educated people are fast becoming the planners and the builders of our future. New things that we never dreamed of are fast becoming a necessity. The Halls and re-hashed schools that we made do with, must be either pulled down  or upgraded. Even the old Cinema where we held hands with our future partners during a lovely romantic film, is about to swing into action to serve  as a modern day gym. And the Youth Centre which we changed from a national school will give much needed creche space for in some cases our great grand children. God isn’t life funny. In my foolish mind I thought that we had paved the way for all those coming after us. Places for the young and the Canon O’Donovan Centre for the not so young.  A factories to give local employment .We all helped at Show time and at all the events that were held at the Green Glens  no  effort was spared to make Millstreet a better place. But as I said progress is an ongoing up hill battle and we wish the up and coming generations every success and God’s Blessing in all that they do.

Further to that Our Tourist Group keep on adding improvements to our mountain walks. Recently  a new vantage point  was added to the Clara Loop giving a new and panoramic  view of Kilmeedy and beyond.

Still with mountains, give your best support to Denis O’Mahony (Clara) in his quest to climb the Mighty Carrauntoohil, no less than three times on Sunday, June 2nd, in aid of Cancer Research. To help, log into Denis O’Mahony Facebook , look up ‘Donate’ and give your donation. We wish Denis the best of luck with his brave venture.

Our Community singers aquited themselves well in Castlemagner  at  the weekend when they took part in the Bealtaine Festival there.  Without their leader Marie Twomey may I add, who was busy in Dublin welcoming and new grandchild into the world, A baby girl, their eighth  and we wish Denny and Marie God’s Blessing and a lot of fun with them all in the years to come.

 Most of the Active Retired activities are finished now for the summer. Including the Bingo & Coffee this Friday. Though the weekly coffee mornings will continue at the Kall & Dynne every Thursday morning at 11.

To round off a great year on a high note a bus-load of our members are heading off to Donegal on Bank Holiday Monday calling to many interesting places along the way including Knock Shrine and Lough Derg  and Arigna mines to name but a few.

 The All Ages gathering at the Library this Friday goes ahead 11-1. See you there.

The Annual Mass will be held in Tubrid Well this Friday evening at 7.30 Both the Church Choir and the Community Singers will attend.

Please support the Eucharistic Adoration in our Church every Tuesday from 10.30 am to 7.30 pm. Sign up for an hour, or drop in at your own convenience to spend a little time with the Lord.

  Legion of Mary every Tuesday night at 7.30 at the Parish Centre.

All Ireland Rosary Rally at Knock Shrine June 1st.

The historic Cullen Feis Ceoil will be held in Cullen this Sunday June 2nd from 12 noon. Competitions in singing, ballad, groups, poetry, concert etc. Please support it well.

Aubane Fun Day for all June 23rd.

Men’s Shed open four days a week from 2-4. Drop and say hello.

Never give up in your garden. I thought my precious Lemon Tree had died, so you can imagine my joy at seeing it putting out some fine healthy shoots today. Never say never.

3 Week Jive lessons for beginners in Rathmore from June 10th. 087 399 5877.

Our well known Wallis Arms Hotel is on the market and while we wish Billy and Ellen the best of luck with the sale, we dearly hope that this important edifice in our town will continue trading as it has done for generations in the past.

Here are the results of this week’s lotto draw which was held on Sunday night. Numbers drawn were 18,24,29,30 and the Jackpot was not won. €100 went to Codi Austin. The seller was Corkery’s Bar and they got €50 seller’s prize. €50 went to Eily, c/o of Eily Buckley. €20 each went to Clodagh and Peter Stanley, c/o B. Cronin. John Wall, Station Road. Timmy O’Callaghan, c/o Colemans, Tarrants, Dooneen, c/o Noreen Tarrant. Helen Cooper, Killarney Rd. Michelle O’Callaghan c/o Robert and Lehane, Kevin & Liam c/o PJ Creedon, Gordon Carroll, c/o Tom Carroll. Next Draw Bank Holiday Monday June 3rd. Jackpot €5.400.

Before I close I want to wish you all a very happy and enjoyable Bank Holiday weekend. Please keep safe.

Sinn a bfuil a cáirde, Slán is beannacht Dé libh go léir.

3 thoughts on “Eily’s Report – 28th May”

  1. Hats off to you Eily!! for your wonderful and positive thinking, age no barrier here. Keep up the good work that i so enjoy reading every week!

  2. Hi Eily,
    Rob & I were just wondering how you were going as we haven’t been able to contact you, for a while.
    Rob has very fond memories of Millstreet. The folk in Millstreet really looked after him well. He was hitchhiking around Ireland, as a teenager in 1964. He was admitted to the Millstreet Hospital with Pneumonia. We returned to Millstreet 2005 & just happened to stay with Eily & Dan. Thank you for your hospitality. Memories of all the places you showed us. Returning again in2015. We keep up to date with the Millstreet Website. Would love to hear from you ,Eily,
    All our Love
    Robert & Marilyn Wallace
    Canberra, Australia.

  3. You are a diamond Eily. While I am on, I would like to thank the very nice Lady who came to my aid last week when I fell over the ramp inside the gate to the park, it is very dangerous, I had parked in the carpark and was walking back toy car, I didn’t get the ladies name, I would also like to thank Sean Dineen who came to my aid and drove me to the medical centre, Sean had 2 small children in the car and even offered to stay with me, thank you Sean.
    Joan O’Connell.

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