Peggy Twomey, Cullen – Acknowledgement & First Anniversary

Acknowledgement & First Anniversary

As we lovingly remember Peggy on her first anniversary, we her family wish to express out deep gratitude to all whom have supported & sympathised with us on our sad loss. Thanks to those who attended the funeral & who supported us by sending Mass cards, letters, flowers & online condolences.

We extend our utmost thanks to her carers, Dr Casey & everyone who participated in the Mass; to Joan and Sharon, Canon John Fitzgerald and Tarrant’s Undertakers, to our great neighbours, Cullen GAA, relatives and friends.

As it would be impossible to thank everyone individually, please accept this acknowledgement as a token of our appreciation. The holy sacrifice of the Mass has been offered for your intentions.

“Never more than a thought away.

Loved and remembered everyday”

First Anniversary Mass will be held on Sunday, 11th August 2024  at 9.30 am in Cullen Church.

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