Eily’s Report – 13th August

Dia is Mhuire dióbh go léir a cairde and welcome to my Report.

Oh the Olympics, will we ever be the same again. The high that we have been on for the past two weeks and more will take a long time to die down. Not that we were glued to it all the but it was always on, just in case you’d miss something. No other station was turned but the ones that carried the story and details of what was happening in Paris and what a show the city and indeed the whole country put on from the  spectacular opening  down the Seine to the earth moving finale on Sunday evening. Was it a little ironic that we had thunder and lightening here at that very time, almost like we were joining in on the spectacular event with fireworks of our own.  I’ve lost count of how many winners we have, but for a small country we must be leading on average. Marty Morrissey is having a tough time on the telly just now as he tries  to interview them all. In  the past we were glad to have the O’Donovans and a few more but this time there is a whole crowd of medal-holders so it’s not easy. My poor feeble mind would have no hope of storing up details of the who’s who but the one thing that stood out for me was the dedication, the determination it takes to become a winner. These people are a people apart not everybody has the gumption, the drive that they have to devote their young lives to sport and give themselves and their country a reason to be proud, to stand out among the nations of the world better than the best.  You could not but notice regardless of race, creed or colour the way that so many contestants prayed earnestly to their God to help them achieve their goal and give Thanks after again.

  At the end of the day the great thing was the safety at which it all went. Big crowds are pretty daunting things these days, with threats overshadowing them from many quarters so at the end of the day I think that full marks should go to the organisers who succeeded in sending everybody home safe.

It was a weekend of successes at home as well when young Hanna Twomey won the All Ireland at the Fleadh in Wexford.  The Crossfields Ceili Band were winners also.

Hollywood came to Millstreet on Friday evening when a camera crew descended on the Town Square as they continued their travels through the County making a feature film which will take in all our best scenery, finished up at the picturesque Sheep’s Head overlooking Bantry Bay. They were centred at our beautiful diner The Kall & Dyyne where the Lady of the House, Sharon turned her restaurant not just into a place of the best of food but also a beauty parlour where the Stars got their Make-up etc done. The whole town Square was taken up with Monster jeeps and filming equipment while the large number of staff milled around setting up and changing the scenes as the need arose. Not many locals knew that the film crew were coming to town but Sean Radley was there to take photos at to interview some of the people involved, for his program.  The weather was kind as the rain which was forecast held off until all was done. Well done to the lovely Sharon who took on this mammoth undertaking at her lovely Kall & Dyyne restaurant and ran it with expert ease.  It  sent these important visitors to our town away with pleasant memories . Please tune in To Sean Radley tonight on Cork Music Station from 9.30 to hear  the author of this film tell you all about it.

There is good feedback from the historic feature which I mentioned last week. Duchas.ie is coming up with lots of stories and historic items which were all but lost except for the forward thinking of school teaches in the 30’s who asked children at the time to write the stories which were being handed down to them. It’s there for all to enjoy now at the press of a key.

Carriganima was  again ringing to the Sound of Music on Sunday night. With the well known Kelts followed by the returned visit of Cliona Hagan. This time the weather was not very kind which resulted in it all happening in the bar. The Kelts were indeed proud when the star of the night used their equipment to bring her expert entertainment to the multitudes. For good measure there a bout thunder and lightening and in the end everybody was saying  t’was ‘the best night yet’ Well done.

Still with the village. They will hold their annual Run/Walk Day on Saturday August 31st . Checking in at 2.30 for 3.30 start of the 5 km event.

Fine weather was enjoyed by all at Puck Fair at the weekend. The Lord of the Kerry Mountains was elevated to his station on high at five o’clock as the bands and parades moved slowly along the crowded streets. Next up in Kerry will the Rose of Tralee Fest, which begins on Friday August 16th.

Well done to the Millstreet Vintage Club on presenting the massive sum of €12,537.80 to the Critical Emergency Medical Response, the proceeds of  some their recent fundraising outings.

Outdoor Mass at the Grotto in Kilcorney to celebrate its 70th anniversary on Friday August 16th at 7.30.

Duhallow Choral Society are returning from their Summer Break and are inviting new members. Those interested please contact Culturlann MacAmhloaibh, Newmarket on September 3rd or 10th at 7.30.

Wreath laying ceremony at Shinnagh Cross, Rathmore to commemorate Timothy Cotter on Thursday August 15th.  All welcome.

A few seats left on the bus  going to Knock for the Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage  on Saturday August 24th  

Enquiries at the Parish Office  029 70043.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every Tuesday from 10.30am to 7.30pm. Confessions in Millstreet church every Saturday at 12.30.

Legion of Mary meeting at the Parish Centre every Tuesday night from 7.30.

Copies of Millstreet Parish Report  for 2023 are available at the back of the Church.

Copies of the IRD Annual Report available at the back of the Church.

Copies of the Messenger are available on the book stall at the back of the church.

Here are the results of this weeks lotto draw which was held on Sunday night. Numbers drawn were

6, 20, 23, 30 and the Jackpot was not won. €100 went to Derry & Shauna, Tullig, the seller was Teresa c/o the Clara Inn and she got €50 sellers prize. €50 went Jim Scriven, Macroom  c/o O’Regan’s Mills, €20 each went to Jerry Heineken, c/o The Bridge Bar, Shaun & Jacksie c/o Marie Twomey, Tommy Sheehan, Main St, Susan Spillane c/o Colemans  Michelle FitzGerald c/o Malpaso.  Conor Healy c/o The Clara Inn,  Helen Murphy .c/o Pat Murphy, Chris Katie & Libhin c/o Denis Hickey. Jackpot for next week €3,600, the draw on August 18th 2024.

Our best wishes go to all those who are on holidays both at home or abroad. Have a great time but please stay safe.

Slan abhaile agus beannacht libh go leir.

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