Having been alerted by Michael (Cashman) on www.millstreet.ie that available to purchase on eBay there was an original doll which had been manufactured in Millstreet’s “Clara Toys” Factory and bought for £5.50 at Blarney Woollen Mills quite some years ago, Bob Emprimo arranged to bid for and bought the said doll. In memory of the late Jack Doody who had visited Millstreet some years ago and because Bob is married to Patricia Doody he decided to present the Doll to Millstreet Museum. Here we also view two of Jack Doody’s daughters and Carole presenting the Doll. Our sincere thanks to All.
On behalf of the family of John E “Jack” Doody, Sr, I would like to thank the Town of Millstreet, and particularly Michael Cashman and Sean Radley, for having been permitted to contribute in this small way, to the preservation of Millstreet’s rich trove of heritage. It was a great delight to have been able to escort this wee, wayward, small lady on her journey home.
It was also a great delight to have Sean Radley welcome Jack’s daughters, Patricia, Annette and Susan, as well as Carole, Steve and myself, with such enthusiastic sincerety. It was definitely a true highlight of our too brief, but delightful visit. It was also my great privilege to have finally met with the genuinely delightful Eily Buckley.
These individuals have been and continue to be tremendous, tireless assets in service to the betterment of the Millstreet community.
Bob Emprimo
Many thanks Bob & All for such uplifting comments. Both Eily and I were delighted to have met with you all this week. We are so very pleased to have received the “Clara Toys” Doll where it will soon reside in its new home at Millstreet Museum. It has already featured in our LTV2 programme this week. Very best wishes to All.
I found a Clara Irish doll in my collection. She has black hair, blue eyes a white blouse with shamrock, black belt, green jacket and red skirt with lace and white shoes. I would like to know more about her. She appears to look like the one in the picture but her green shawl is longer and her red skirt is more of a burgandy. Any help on this collectible is great. Mine is not in her box anymore and I believe was my grandmothers that was purchased years ago on travels.
Patti….That doll was made here in Millstreet at the famous Clara Toy Factory in Pound Hill, Millstreet….possibly in the 1960s or 1970s or even 1980s. A wonderful range of dolls, teddy bears, superb clothing including sportswear was produced in the local factory and were on sale far and wide including prestigious stores in locations like Dublin. We are blessed to have quite a few very fine examples of the products within Millstreet Museum. Thank you for your kind interest – Seán Radley, Curator, Millstreet Museum.
I found your article about Clara Toys extremely interesting. I am trying to research the company as I have a teddy bear made by them for Apple computers in 1985. If you could contact me that would be fantastic.
Hi Joanne,
Apple computers were based in Millstreet in the early 1980’s, but Apple closed in the year you mention 1985. The people working in Clara Toys and Apple Computers would all have known each other very well back then.
There’s a video and some still images from the floor of Clara Toys here:
Other articles on Clara Toys: