Millstreet Parish Newsletter – 25th August 2024



TwentyFirst Sunday of Ordinary Time

25th August 2024

Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P.

Telephone Nos.:  Landline:  029 70043  &  Mobile: 087 775 2948

Email:  millstreet


All Masses are livestreamed on

Parish Opening Hours 

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 

10.00am to 1.00pm  &  2.00pm to 5pm

RECENT DEATHS: Michael O’Riordan, Ballydaly & Cork; Miah Moynihan, Main Street & Melbourne.

Mass Intentions for THIS WEEKEND:

Saturday 24th August:

Millstreet   6.15p.m.   Liz Hickey, Clara Road (First Anniversary);  Hannie Dennehy, Laught (First Anniversary);  Anna, Noel & their daughter Gillian Hartnett, Clara Road.

Sunday 25th August:

Cullen 9.30a.m. Dolly, Patie & the deceased members of the McSweeney Family, Meenskeehy;  The deceased members of the Hickey Family, Gortnacreeha;  Sheila & Denis Murphy, Lyreaoune.

Millstreet 11.30 a.m.   Dominic Lawlor, Clara Road;  Danny & the deceased members of the Lynch Family, Kippagh.

ANNIVERSARIES: John Joe Greaney, Lackabawn; Séamus O’Connor, Tullig; Connie Hickey, St. Joseph’s Gardens;  Nora Coleman, Murphy’s Terrace; Catherine Kelleher, Cloghoulabeg; Nuala O’Riordan, Dromsicane; Daniel O’Leary, Ploverfield; Noel Duggan, Lisnaboy; Pat Joe Morley, Glountane; Molly Hickey, Gortnacreeha; Patricia Kelleher-Moynihan, Millstreet & Rathcoole; Mickie & Breda Dennehy, Moll Carthy’s Bridge; Nora Duggan, Carriganima; Con O’Leary, Carriganima; Timmy & Peggy Cronin, New York & Millstreet; Sheila “Judy” Doocey, England & Millstreet; John & Charlie Murphy, Waterville. 

Mass Intentions for NEXT WEEKEND:

Saturday 31st August:

Millstreet   6.15p.m.   Connie Hickey, St. Joseph’s Gardens;  Timothy, Betty & Dermot O’Callaghan, Shronebeha;  Kitty McCarthy, Aubane.

Sunday 1st September:

Ballydaly 9.30a.m. Tommy Tucker, Ballydaly (First Anniversary), his parents Denis & Nora and brothers Denis (recently deceased) & Donal.

Millstreet 11.30 a.m.   Joe, Peggy & Finbarr O’Sullivan, Claraghatlea;  Gerry Healy, Wicklow & Millstreet.

Rotas for next weekend 31st August & 1st September


Millstreet 6.15 p.m. Catríona Kelleher  Group A
  11.30 a.m. Bernie Cronin  Group A
Ballydaly 9.30 a.m. Josephine Murphy  Mary Murphy

Millstreet Church: Mass times this week unless there is a funeral.

Mass on Monday (26th) for People of the Parish at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Tuesday (27th) for Bishop Diarmuid O’Súilleabháin and his parents Jeremiah & Catherine at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Wednesday (28th) for Sheila “Judy” Doocey, Murphy’s Terrace & England at 10.00a.m.

No Mass on Thursday (29th) & Friday (30th)

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Tuesday in Millstreet Church 10.30- 7.30pm.  

LEGION OF MARY on Monday night in Parish Centre at 7.30p.m. (please note change for this week only)


BALLYDALY CHURCH: Funeral Mass for Michael O’Riordan on Monday (26th) at 9.00a.m.

CULLEN CHURCH: No Mass on Thursday 29th 

PASTORAL AREA PRIEST ON DUTY: 25th August: Fr. John Fitzgerald (029)70043/ (087)7752948. 1st Sept: Fr. Jim Kennelly (029) 76151/ (087) 2401331.

Millstreet 6.15 p.m. Mona.Linehan;

Sharon Lane;

Breeda O’Leary & Elaine Reardon

Our Lady’s Aisle

Sacred Heart Aisle

Main Aisle & rear of Church 

  11.30 a.m. Jerry O’Riordan;

Jerry Buckley;

Dan Dennehy & John Cashman

Our Lady’s Aisle

Sacred Heart Aisle

Main Aisle & rear of Church

Community Notices

  • MILLSTREET COMMUNITY COUNCIL AGM on Tuesday 10th September at 8.00.m. at FET office, Main Street. All welcome.
  • BERNADETTE RELIC PILGRIMAGE IREALND 2024:  Sr. Bernadette’s Relics will journey on pilgrimage to Ireland for the first time from 4thSeptember to 5th November. In the Kerry Diocese, Our Lady & St. Brendan’s Church, Tralee will be where the relics can be venerated on Friday 13th September & Saturday 14th September. More details later.
  • I wish all the students who received their results this week the best of luck as they start a new chapter in their lives.  Fr. Fitzgerald
  • Thought for the week:  Manners, kindness, respect and compassion will always be the signs of a good human being.

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