Features on “Radio Treasures” Tonight Include Carriganima Run & Charleville Recording Part One

Preceded by  Jimmy Reidy’s Archival Show  No. 113 from Knockfierna on Cork Music Station at 8pm on this Tuesday, 3rd Sept. 2024…..“Radio Treasures” (from 9.15pm to 11.30pm) features at 9.20pm a special Interview with Jimmy & Sammy Murphy relating to the very successful Carriganima Run/Walk 2024 .  At 9.30pm we feature Part One of our Charleville Recordings  with splendid music, chat and songs.  All this and so much more on tonight’s very special Show.   Feel most welcome to contact us on 086 – 825 0074 or by emailing corkmusicstation @gmail.com .  Tap on the images below to enlarge.  (S.R.)

Wonderfully successful Carriganima Run/Walk 2024 held on Saturday.
Our special Guests at our Charleville Recordings. Great coverage on the “Vale Star” and on “The Corkman”. Feature on our Radio Show tonight at 9.30pm.

Enjoying Annual September Fair Day 2024 on Sunday.
Sunday’s MVC Car event at Green Glens in aid of the highly praiseworthy Cancer Connect Bus Transport.
Patrick W. O’Leary from Louisville, Kentucky, USA arrived in Millstreet from Shannon Airport on Monday. Mary Fahy, his Cousin, was among the first to extend an Irish welcome to Patrick who will be in Ireland until close to the end of September.

Emma, Chloe and Finbar Dennehy of Glanmire – Musicians supreme.

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