Millstreet Parish Newsletter – 29th September 2024



TwentySixth Sunday of Ordinary Time

29th September 2024

Canon John Fitzgerald, P.P.

Telephone Nos.:  Landline:  029 70043  &  Mobile: 087 775 2948

Email:  millstreet


All Masses are livestreamed on

Parish Opening Hours 

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 

10.00am to 1.00pm  &  2.00pm to 5pm

RECENT DEATHS: Mary Murray-O’Callaghan, Woodland Drive; Nora Casey (née O’Mahony), England & Lackabawn.

Mass Intentions for THIS WEEKEND:

Saturday 29th September:

Millstreet   6.15p.m.   John Kelleher, Lackabawn & the deceased members of the Kelleher family, Mary & Jerry Wyse, Cork & Margaret Rohan, Lackabawn.  Jimmy Galvin, Murphy’s Terrace.

Sunday 30th September:

Ballydaly 9.30a.m. The deceased members of the Cremin Family, Gortavehy;  Donagh O’Leary, Ballydaly & John and Nora Guerin;  Dan Mulcahy, Aunagloor.

Millstreet 11.30 a.m.   Eileen, Christine & Frank O’Riordan, Dromsicane;  Eileen & Michael Conway, Mayo;  Kitty O’Donoghue, Macroom.

ANNIVERSARIES: Margaret O’Shea, Killowen; Ellen O’Riordan, Tullig; Theresa Casey, Clara Road; Nora Dennehy, Gneeves; Billy O’Sullivan, Coalpits; Dermot O’Callaghan, Shronebeha; Noreen Dennehy, Shanakiel; Tom & Hannah Sheahan, Glenleigh; Fr. Bernard Healy, Scotland. 

Mass Intentions for NEXT WEEKEND:

Saturday 5th October:

Millstreet   6.15p.m.   Catherine & Sean Buckley, The Hall, Kilcorney;  Eileen Lucey, Clara Road;  Michael Creedon, Carrigacooleen.

Sunday 6th October:

Cullen 9.30a.m. Denis Goulding, Glountane (recently deceased);  Mary & Ned Byrne, Ahane, Sr. Patrick Tarrant, Sheila & John O’Keeffe;  Pauline & Andy O’Sullivan, Lisnaboy.

Millstreet 11.30 a.m.   Pa Buckley, Aunagloor;  Marie Dennehy, Knockraha (First Anniversary& her husband Tim.

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Tuesday in Millstreet Church 10.30- 7.30pm.  

LEGION OF MARY meet every Tuesday night in Parish Centre at 7.30p.m.  

Rotas for next weekend 5th & 6th October


Millstreet 6.15 p.m. Tim Linehan  Group A  
  11.30 a.m. Jerry Doody  Group B
Cullen 9.30 a.m. Patricia Murphy Mgt. Fitzgerald

Millstreet Church:  Mass times this week unless there is a funeral.

Mass on Monday (30th) for People of the Parish at 10.00a.m.  

Mass on Tuesday (1st) for Private Intention at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Wednesday (2nd) for Private Intention at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Thursday (3rd) for Private Intention at 10.00a.m.

Mass on Friday (4th) for Eli Mai & Brendan Hickey, Main Street at 7.30p.m.

MILLSTREET ALTAR SOCIETY for 6th & 13th October: Group E


Vigil Mass is Group 4.  11.30a.m. Mass is Group 2

CULLEN CHURCH: No Mass on Thursday 3rd 

CULLEN CHURCH COLLECTOR for 6th Oct:  Jerome Ryan

PASTORAL AREA PRIEST ON DUTY: Sunday 29th Sept: Fr. Jim Kennelly (029) 76151/ (087) 2401331. Sunday 6th October: Fr. John Fitzgerald (029) 70043/ (087) 7752948   


This Sunday we welcome Bishop Ray Browne and the five candidates who are preparing for the permanent diaconate in the diocese as they are commissioned as lectors of the word of God. Our candidates are: Linus Burke, Milltown Parish; Brian Godfrey, Listowel Parish; Chris Lynch, Killorglin Parish; Shane Lehane, St. John’s Parish, Tralee; Michael O’Connell, Cahersiveen Parish.

May God guide them on their journey as they undertake their ministry.

Community Notices

  • BLOOD DONATION CLINIC in Cullen Community Centre on Wednesday 2nd October between 3.50p.m. & 8.00p.m.
  • YOGA CLASSES in Cullen Community Centre commencing Thursday 3rdat 8.00p.m; Friday 9.30a.m. and Chair yoga at 11.00a.m. Pre-booking essential – contact Denise on (086) 8901234
  • RELICS OF ST. KILLIAN will visit Mullagh & Cavan on Thursday 3rdto Sunday 6th October, with the days marked by Masses, processions, a concert & times of veneration. Further details on
  • DEMENTIA INFORMATION SESSIONS from 3rdOctober in Mallow Primary Healthcare Centre between 7.00 & 9.15p.m. Further details (086) 7871818 or email sheena.cadoo
  • FIRST SATURDAYS CONFERENCE will take place in Mitchelstown on Saturday 12th October between 10.00a.m. & 4.00p.m.
  • CATHOLIC MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER IN IRELAND invite married couples to their Marriage Encounter Weekend on 8thto 10th November in Prosperous, Co. Kildare. Further details on
  • BISHOP RAY’S PASTORAL LETTERMoving Forward in Hope:    Provides an overview of the ongoing journey within the diocese this year and outlines the next steps for parishes and pastoral areas. Copies available at the back of each Church and we encourage you to take one to read.

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