NDS innovation award entrants 2024 – Engineering – Autocoupler

NDS innovation award entrants 2024



The product is an automatic hydraulic coupling system for tractors loaders, shovels or Teleporters. It automatically connects the hydraulic system once an implement is picked up all at the touch of a button within 4 seconds. There is an impressive time saving and safety advantage in using the Autocoupler, as the operator does not have to leave the cab to hook up the hydraulic lines to an implement when the implement is hooked up to the front of a loader. There is no loss of oil by having to relieve oil pressure on an implement as the auto coupler connects under residual pressure. Compatible to Euro brackets.

Dairymaster – RoboSpray

A robotic arm that gives a more precise and consistent spray pattern, closer to the udder, thus ensuring a better coverage of all teats and a more effective use of the disinfectant. The RoboSpray system includes machine vision technology to correctly position the spray head. RoboSpray links with the milking parlour control unit to allow for cow retention where a milking deviation has been detected. Cows can be retained on the platform for a second revolution without being sprayed at either post-spray or pre-spray, and the operator will have clean dry teats for inspection and/or reattachment of the milking cluster.

True North Technologies/More Grass – E-gate Grazing Management System

This system integrates an API interface with a weather station hosted on the farm and connected via the home Wi-Fi. It provides farmers with up-to-date local weather information, which is also available through the E-gate smartphone application. The weather data can trigger an automatic gate-opening event based on specific conditions, such as rain. This feature would be particularly useful for farmers during spring, allowing them to graze cows overnight with confidence. If it begins to rain, the weather station communicates with the E-gate, opening the gate and activating a sound alert to guide livestock off the paddock. This would reduce paddock damage and improve grass utilization overall.


Bovonic – QuadSense Mastitis Detector

QuadSense is an automatic mastitis detector for dairy cows that uses four patented milk sensors to monitor milk from each quarter of the udder independently, ensuring precise and early detection of both clinical and subclinical mastitis. The system is easy to install, battery-powered, and provides results within minutes. Its key benefits include reduced mastitis cases, fewer antibiotics, improved milk quality, and higher productivity. QuadSense integrates seamlessly into existing milking routines, enabling farmers to monitor udder health efficiently without manual inspections

Creva International – Urban HygieneSet UV-C

The Urban HygieneSet UV-C revolutionizes calf health by providing a non-chemical, environmentally friendly method to disinfect drinking teats. Using UV-C rays, the system eliminates pathogens from both the teat and its casing, while also disinfecting the accompanying boiler to destroy contaminated water. This technology minimizes the spread of infections in group feeding setups and ensures optimal hygiene for calf feeding. Launched in Ireland in 2024, the first unit was sold at the National Ploughing Championships to Tom Murphy of Swiftsheath Holsteins, highlighting its immediate impact on calf husbandry.


Delaval – Delaval Plus

DeLaval Plus is an advanced customer portal powered by DeepBlue, a unique AI system that collects and analyses herd data to provide actionable insights and health alerts. Key features include Disease Risk prediction, Reproduction Performance analysis, and several other analytical applications. Integrating data from various sensors, DeLaval Plus offers a comprehensive overview of farm operations, enabling improved decision-making and sustainability. With streamlined access to herd data anytime, anywhere, farmers can efficiently manage cow health, fertility, and milk production, enhancing productivity and management efficiency.


Biocel – NUVOSAN TeatGard

Innovation in Teatcare Technology based on the combined proven properties of naturally occurring Citrus based Polyphenols in conjunction with Glyolic Acid. NUVOSAN – TeatGard delivers the following key benefits to aid prevention of Mastitis bacteria and Teat Skin condition in Dairy Cows. 1. Disinfectant action of Citrus based polyphenols in conjunction with Glyolic Acid against mastitis bacteria.2. Excellent skin condition & regeneration of Teat Skin. 3. Reduces mastitis levels by improving Teat Skin condition, enabling more effective disinfectant action. 4. Very effect in the treatment of Teat & Udder Warts & skin regeneration when Warts fall off.


Burpeez is an environmentally friendly netwrap that saves farmers time and labour when feeding cattle by removing the hassle of detaching and gathering up traditional plastic netwrap and disposing of it after use. Burpeez, based in Co. Clare has developed an edible netwrap for silage and haylage bales. Once the outer silage wrap/film has been removed, the bale and netwrap can be easily fed to ruminant animals. The 2nd iteration of Burpeez (patent-pending) will reduce the rate of methane burped from the rumen of these animals, helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Goldcrop – Clodagh white clover

Clodagh is now the highest performing white clover available in Ireland, with performance that makes the benefits of white clover more attainable on a range of Irish farms. Clodagh has the highest yield in official trials across Ireland, Scotland and England & Wales, official trials showing that even under a wide range of potential conditions, Clodagh can perform. Clodagh has the highest ground cover, despite being a large leaf variety, meaning it has proven persistence and can sustain its improved performance in both grazing and silage swards. Clodagh also has improved seasonal yield, with 27% additional production in the spring and 51% additional production in autumn, addressing a key weakness of white clover.

Pharavet – TruHoof Gold Footbath Solution

TruHoof Gold is a footbath solution specially formulated for dairy cows, containing a buffered solution of different acids that are skin safe to both animal and operator, yet still reduces the pH of a footbath to pH 2. Using a unique patented chelate, TruHoof Gold holds predictably higher concentrations of active copper in suspension. To achieve adequate copper concentrations, conventional products must add large quantities, resulting in precipitation in solution, excessive waste and increased environmental contamination with heavy metals on disposal. TruHoof effectively utilizes metals present, allowing for up to an 80% reduction in heavy metal usage, whilst also significantly reducing reliance on formaldehyde, a known human health risk and carcinogen.

Provita – Fresh Boost

Displayed by  TP Whelehan.  Fresh Boost is an oral paste supplying beneficial bacteria, vitamins, dextrose and egg powder for transition and fresh cows.  Between 60-80% of clinical diseases in the lifespan of high-yielding dairy cows occur over the transition period during which cows experience a certain degree of stress, negative energy balance, reduced appetite & dry matter intake, sub-optimal rumen fermentation and low immunity.  Failure to adapt to these changes may result in excessive fat mobilization, immunosuppression, and, ultimately, metabolic or infectious disease in the postpartum period. Fresh Boost helps to directly address these problems allowing a smoother transition with fewer disease problems.


Displayed by Pharavet. NoBACZ Healthcare developed a liquid solution for navel care containing a proprietary blend of shellac and metal salts in an ethanol base. It’s a true innovation in navel care and was purpose built for this job. It provides greater desiccation of the umbilicus than iodine or chlorhexidine (with or without spirit), plus it offers physical and microbial protection of the site by forming a non-colonizable hydrophobic barrier that protects the navel whilst it dries– protecting the navel from the environment and providing durable protection from a single dip. It also contains a bitter ingredient to prevent the product being licked off. Farmers, and vets frequently comment on the NoBACZ navel as being ‘lick-resistant’ The bitter agent prevents interference by the dam or other calves. A commonly observed problem causing repeat applications to be required or injury and bleeding at the site.

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