Two 5th year students from Millstreet Community School will be participating
in the Irish Pilgrimage Trust young people’s pilgrimage to Lourdes during their
Easter holidays 2025. Ally Moynihan and Evie O’Leary will be acting as student
helpers and travelling to Lourdes with Group 126. Millstreet students have
been travelling with this group since 2011.
As was the case in the past, the aim is to cover accommodation and travel
costs for the two students (€750/person) with all extra funds being passed
onto Group 126. Each group is meant to raise the funds to cover the costs of
all the young people with special needs who travel with them to Lourdes.
The girls are now beginning their fundraising but the main events will be held
in the new year. A table quiz in Corkery’s Bar, Millstreet on Friday 31st January
2025 and a ‘pre-Lent’ bake sale in Millstreet Parish Centre after Masses over
the weekend of 1st and 2nd of March.
Your support for these fundraising efforts would be greatly appreciated.(We thank John Magee, Chaplain MCS for this feature. Tap on the image to enlarge.)