We thank Jerry O’Connor, West End, Millstreet for these two hugely interesting images from past decades – superbly captioned – which will undoubtedly evoke lots of wonderful memories. Tap on the excellent photos to enlarge. (S.R.)
Community website for Millstreet, Co. Cork, Ireland
Delighted to see the photo of Denis Dennehy, my grandfather.
Gillian Dennehy
Gillian…Delighted that you noted our historical images. I well remember your wonderful Grandfather – a gifted Artist and Gentleman supreme – Denis Dennehy – residing at Fitzell’s Hollow on Drishane Road, Millstreet (now the Roche Family residence). The only person I never met pictured in the two photos was Philip O’Laoghaire who was the Cork Conductor of the very talented Cór Cois Móire. The photo was taken outside the then Millstreet Vocational School, according to Jerry O’Connor who very kindly provided the two treasured pictures. Denis Dennehy superbly painted many of the background scenes over the years used in numerous Stage Performances in Millstreet.