We’re back after a brief Winter Break!
Some necessary maintenance was completed over the Winter months, so we are now gearing up again for a busy Spring and Summer.
We were caught by an early visit for last year’s competition so need to cover more activities earlier this year. We have a few more maintenance ideas on the pipeline and would be grateful if locals can bring any items needing attention to us.
As always, a huge thank you to our volunteers and local students who did some Litter Picking over the last few months, and also those who weeded the Pollinator Park and flower pots and sowed daffodils etc.
While there are some lovely displays of daffodils around, it is noticeable that some new bulbs were destroyed by the combination of snow, ice and heavy rains, particularly those in the smaller flower pots.
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The recent hedge cutting (and storm) has exposed a lot of litter that was hidden by the undergrowth on our approach roads, we are organising a dedicated, pick up focusing primarily on
~ Macroom Road
~ Black Shed Lane
~ Liscahane Road
Meeting at The Square, where Pickers, Bags and HiVis Vests will be supplied to those who do not already have them.
New volunteers are always welcome!
We are also thrilled to finally see the completion of the Footpath to Coole Cross, for which we have been campaigning for the most of 10 years, having had to submit many documents and requests, we were finally able to apply for Planning Permission in late 2019, obtaining same in 2021, and now thankfully seeing it done in 2025.
And lastly, an appeal again to mainly pub Smokers to not deliberately throw their butts on our streets, please put them in the Butt bins/ buckets/receptables provided by the publicans. We lose points every year because of butts.
Hi….You haven’t stated in your info; what date and time pickers are meeting at the square…rgds DB