Navigating Perimenopause

I’m very excited to announce that Noami and I are teaming up as ‘Womankind Wellbeing’ to put on a 4 week in-person perimenopause course. 🎉 The course will take place over 4 Wednesday evenings and will provide a safe and welcoming space for ladies to explore perimenopause together. 💗

Noami will be focusing each week on a different area of the perimenopause journey and offering nutritional, herbal and lifestyle techniques to aid a smooth transition. She will be answering questions and providing menus and factsheets to take away.

I will take you through specially designed yoga classes each week, focusing on the body systems that can support perimenopause and beyond. I will work to each individual skill level and provide a handout after each session so you can practice poses at home.

Plus there will be a women’s circle where ladies can share their stories and build relationships with tea and healthy nibbles. ☕

We’ve limited places available so please make sure to book early to secure your place.

Email 📧 yogalecheile
Contact Denise on 086 890 1234 to secure your place.

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