Eily’s Report – 25th March

Dia is Mhuire díobh go léir a cáirde and welcome to my report.

Travelled from Cork by bus at the weekend and it was a joy to view the countryside in brilliant sunshine. The fields looking lush and green others ploughed up and ready for the planting season. Cattle grazing but I have yet to see baby lambs. I’d say I’ll have to take a different route to find them and I will,  le cúnamh Dé.

I’m all a thither and I suppose  my mental storage is not what it used to be and when I get a blast from the past everything else has to take a back seat and what’s the cause for this eruption in me.  Well it all stems from the fact that I came across some copies of Clara News during the week and reading it over filled me with wonder and awe. I’m sure  that some of my readers are asking ‘what’s Clara News’. I can  not recall when it came to an end but the copies that I found were in March 6th 1994 and April 1st, 2001. Clara News grew from humble beginnings, one page to be precise to a twenty pages publication which covered everything that went on in the parish for many years.

Each district Ballydaly, Cullen, Aubane, Cloghoula, Kilcorney and the town were represented by a person from that place who knew all the goings on and hopes and fears and joys and sorrows of their own place. It came out nine  times a year.  Denis Reardon was the Editor and his front page editorial got our readers off to a good start. His sound opinions giving them a craving  for more. Stores and businesses of the locality advertised on it’s pages which was a welcome financial help. Everybody bought Clara News and there was a mailing list of over eighty. Which sent the Gospel of Millstreet to many countries in the world. All involved were volunteers.

The April issue said that the country was going great, the weather was good and the future was looking bright. Then all of a sudden the curse of Foot & Mouth Disease appeared on our horizon. The first since the sixties. It started when a lame sheep with a sore mouth came to attention in England and threw everything into disarray. Widespread precautions had to be put in place. Pans and matts etc. of disinfectant were put in all entries to premises in the country  There were widespread cancellations in the business world. Hotels and Restaurants etc. were faced with  ruin. Our Country Park had an outstanding program in place for their Summer opening but like so many more it had to be cancelled. But time moves on and we have to move on with it.  Reading through the pages now it seems the weather was always a problem and there was a never ending concern for the farmers as they battled  with the elements in their efforts to grow food and so on. But in spite of it life seemed to go on and there are group photos at meetings about tourism, new industry  in the area, visitors to our museum, Christmas parties. Fundraising for good causes, like the FLAME Bus and many more, Community Council awards. Sporting successes.  Not to mention the European Song Contest in ’93. National school groups. Almost thirty pupils at Cloghoula  National School. We started a walking club back then with over forty members,  taking in long treks every Sunday and enjoying refreshments along the way.  We had well attended Masses and prayers and people going to Lourdes and Knock and Tubrid Well.  The pictures back in ’94 and ’01  or indeed any copy of C.N. are well worth an airing . It’s enlightening to look back and see  how  we’ve come from the days before mobile phones and the many modern day conveniences of today.

I had to include this picture today,

many thanks to Hannelie for helping me to share it with you. I find it peaceful and restful and calm and I hope that you will like it too. But it didn’t happen  by my gardening expertise I hasten to add, but by sheer coincidence or luck maybe. The day I bought my little sleeping angel, on bringing it home I had no place fixed to put it so I happened on this black bin which had finished its spring flowering and chapped my latest purchase down on it,  It didn’t fit well, but I told myself, it’ll do for now, with the intention of doing better later on. But later on never came and when Spring arrived what a joy  o see the little mini daffs making their way up at my angels feet. They hardly shake in the wind, in case they’d wake her. Never underestimate the power of growth. Very often it’s the little things that mean a lot.

Our holy Season of Lent is moving on and I hope it’s going well for you. Parts of the Stations of the Cross are said at each of our daily Masses and on Friday the Full Stations will be said  from 7pm before Mass at 7.30.  Please keep up the prayers and good works.  Keep an eye out for the sick, the bereaved and the lonely. And remember a smile can go a very long way.

Eucharistic Adoration every Tuesday from 10.30am to to 7.30 pm.

Confessions in Millstreet every Saturday from 12.30 to 1.

Legion of Mary Meeting every Tuesday night from 7.30 at the Parish Centre.

Tune in the Sean Radley every Tuesday night on CMS. From 9.30 for all the local lore.

Ring Gillian at our Local library for the list of all the activities that take place there for all ages.   This Friday is chat for all ages day from 11 to 1.  All welcome.

Here are the results of this week’s Lotto draw which was held on Sunday night. Numbers drawn were 7,11,13,14  and the Jackpot was not won.  €100 went to L,L. & Alexandria, Macroom. The Seller was Eily Buckley and she got €50 sellers prize, €50 went to  Mary Buckley c/o Cronin’s Centra. €20 each to Peter Horgan, Kilmeedy, c/o The Clara Inn, Tony O’Brien, Tullig c/o Tony’s, Nigel & Tommy c/o The West End Cafe, Monumental, c/o Lehane, Noreen Murphy, Ballydaly, c/o Guerins, Joan Anders c/o Eily Buckley, Mary Desmond c/o Mary o’Connor , Ita Hickey c/o Ita. Jackpot for next week €9,600 .

The Draw March 30th

Sinn a bfuil a cairde,Slan is beannacht 

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