by Eily Buckley
Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to news report 980 from Millstreet.
Fondest greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this nice calm and bright Tuesday morning.
Oh dear, should I be depressed, disillusioned, have a feeling of hopelessness, another defeat, to Kerry. But after having a little moan, one can only admire them because we all know that they will rise up and get ready for the fray again next year.
In the meantime lets look at the girls. Two weeks ago, their Cork Camogie team won the All Ireland, in Croke Park, and their football team are putting the final preparations for a similar level next Sunday.
Lisa Cummins, 26 years old, 35 hours in the water, no team-mates to buoy her up, even went off course and still made it, to become the first lady to swim the channel both ways. Thank Heaven for little girls. And they never get the applaud that they deserve. Why not an up-for-the-match program for them on RTE. And wild applause and victory parades for them when they return home. They deserve it.
Still with the women, Mary FitzGerald would like to say a million thanks to all those who helped and supported her coffee morning in aid of St Mary Hospice . It amounted to €700, And Eileen Collins and Noel held a highly successful coffee morning at home, in aid of our Church Restoration Fund. Owing to the lovely weather it turned out to be a garden party, and raised €1400. Many thanks to all those who helped and a special mention to Patricia and all at C103 for mentioning it on the day. The cheque was handed over to Canon Declan during the week.
Here are the results of this weeks parish lotto draw which was held at the Clara Inn on Sunday night. Numbers drawn were 1, 4, 7, 31 and the Jackpot was not won. €100 went to Sheila Sheehan, Tullig, the seller was Centra and they got €50 sellers prize. €50 went to Niamh Murphy/Moore, c/o Corkerys Bar. €20 each to Tarrant Family Liscahane, Emma Coleman Minor Row. John Yank O’Sullivan, Tullig, Mark O’Donovan, Tullig, Latty Murphy, Clarabeg, Dan Joe Murphy, Knocknakilla, Margarite Kelleher, Tooreenbawn, and Thomas Walsh Lackabawn. Jackpot for next week €14,000, the draw at the Wallis Arms on Sunday night.
Mass at ten in our church every morning, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrement on Fridays at 7pm followed by Mass at 7.30.
The Autumn Stations are ongoing at the moment with no shortage of people willing to host them.
Holy Hour in Cullen Church this Friday night September 26th a 6.30, followed by Mass.
Rosary for the sick at Tubrid Well on Thursday night at 8.
Our butcher shops still remain on the National Stage, Jerry Pat continues to offer his prizewinning well as a wide variety of meats etc. And now it’s the turn of Anthony O Brien of Craft Butcher fame in Minor Row. Again with sausages, he has reached the All Ireland final of the Traditional Sausage Competition. Three entrants won their way from each province and the twelve will now go forward to the final which will be held at the RDS on Tuesday of next week, September 29th and we wish him the very best of luck.

And this week our very best wishes go to Noel C Duggan and his lovely wife Maureen who are celebrating their Golden Jubilee at the moment. And what a 50 years it has been. They earned their way into the history books with all their great achievements which put Millstreet on the world map. And now we wish them, God’s Blessing, continued success into the future.
A note here from Breda at the Library to say that a book club for children has been started. It’s for 10 to 12 year olds. A group led by Mrs Kathleen Moynihan will meet at the Library once a month to talk about books and it kicks off on October 3rd at 12 noon. Names can be handed in or given over the phone 029 21920.
Story-Telling every Saturday from 11 to 12.
Living Scenes has resumed at the Community School, more adults welcome. Its on every Thursday at 1.30 .This week founderess Mary Surlis from Galway will attend.
LTV2 is gearing up for the new season, le conamh De. The first program will screened on Thursday October 1st at 10pm with the repeat on Sunday at 8. That will be a repeat just to give viewers a chance to adjust their sets, and it will be business as usual after that.
Funds will always be a challenge, so if anybody out there has any good ideas, then let us have them please.
Launch of a double CD by the popular Tim Browne at Bobs Bar in Kanturk on Saturday October 10th.
Qualified person needed to run our gym. For details contact 087 779 74 22.
Theres a vacancy at our FAS Community Employment Scheme, for a Kitchen Operative. Contact 70926.
Set dancing has resumed in Aubane on Monday nights at 9.15.
And in Ballydaly on Wednesday nights. And will include lessons for beginners.
45Drives in Millstreet’s Canon O’Donovan Centre on Tuesday nights and in Ballydaly on Sunday nights.
Music Classes at our GAA Hall on on Fridays starting at 3pm.
Items from IRD Duhallow ,on this thursday they will host a careers/college exhibition at the Edel Quinn Hall in Kanturk, from 10am to 1. Both local and National Colleges will attend. Adm is free.
Pathways to Employment Program starts off on October 1st in Boherbue from 10 until 4 . and will continue on Thursday and Mondays. This course is FETAC Certified and will run for 23 weeks. Ring Mary McHugh for details at 029-60633.
Basic 8 weeks, Computer Course starts there this evening at 7.30.
Commiserations to our John Tarrant who put on a wonderful performance but didn’t make the grade the All Ireland Jimmy Magee Quiz which was held at Croke Park at the weekend. But well done John on getting to the final.
Millstreet were defeated by Bishopstown in the Co. U12 Hurling Championship semi final played at Rusheen last Friday evening.
Our Town Park is a wonderful facility where various games are played but its not just for the young. Lots of people enjoy a walk on the track which surrounds the playing pitches. It is peaceful and secluded and just the thing for a leisurely stroll or a fast run for the more ambitious. And its free.
Be reminded that our lotto Jackpot is €14,000 this week, proceeds go the the GAA, Town Park committee & the Youth Centre.
Regional Report 980
And sadly to-day we mourn the passing of our esteemed Lay Missioner, Diarmuid Roche, Carriginma. He was aged 69 & since he was 49 he had worked tirelessly in the Africa, making it his home and its empoverished people ,his main concern. He came home regularly every year & we looked forward to his coming because he filled us in on the happenings at his mission. People had no hesitation in giving him money.A mere E150 was enough to see a young person through school etc for a whole year. It is estimated that Diarmuid had up to 2,000 children & young adults in his care ,and his was a household name among them.
Having been stricken with malaria some years ago ,from which he made a full recovery, alas it struck again during his latest visit home, and this time he did not survive. Having passed away on the anniversary of his brother Fr.Jack, he will be sadly missed by his family, also our community ,but most of all by his “people” in the Gambia who so heavily depended on him. Ar dheis De go raibh a anam.
Agus sinn a bfuil a cairde, Slan is Beannacht De libh go leir.