Second Sunday of Lent – 4th March, 2012
Canon John Fitzgerald P.P. Tel Nos. Millstreet 029-70043 / Mobile 087-7752948
Email: <email>
10.00a.m.-1.00p.m. & 2.00p.m.-5.00p.m.
Your prayers are requested for the repose of the souls of the following and for those whose anniversaries occur around this time, and for those for whom masses will be offered during the week:
RECENT DEATHS: Margaret Casey, Tooreenbawn
Mass Intentions this Week-end:
Saturday 3rd March:
Millstreet Vigil 6.30 p.m. John O’Sullivan, Coolinarne
Sunday 4th March:
Ballydaly 9.00 a.m. Mass for People of the Parish
Cullen 10.15 a.m. Lena & Jeremiah O’Connor, Knockduff
Millstreet 11.30 a.m. Conchubhar O’hÉalaithe, Drishane Road
Anniversaries: Daniel & Hannah Barrett, Carrigacooleen; Margaret, William & the Radley Family, Minor Row; Jerh Corkery, Adrivale; Annie Murphy, Donoughmore & Aubane; Kitty Fleming, Mologhroe; Batty O’Donoghue, Knockduff;
Mass Intentions for next week-end:
Saturday 10th March:
Millstreet 6.30 p.m. James & Nellie Corcoran, Dooneen
Sunday 11th March:
Ballydaly 9.00 a.m. Billy & Mary Jo Murphy, Coole
Cullen 10.15 am. James, Kathleen & J.J. O’Mahony, Clonakilty
Millstreet 11.30 a.m. James & Catherine O’Connor, Kilcummin
Parish Capital Collection last weekend: €2,561.00 Thanks.
Millstreet Church: Mass on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 10.00a.m., unless there is a funeral.
Monday 5th: Stations of the Cross at 7.00p.m followed by Mass for Patrick & Kitty McCarthy, Donoughmore & James & Julia Cotter, Mill View at 7.30p.m.
Mass on Friday 9th for Kathleen Hickey, Shanaknuck at 7.30p.m.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament every Wednesday from 10.30a.m. to 10.30p.m. in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel, Millstreet. Requests for Prayer & Special Intentions – A box & slips of papers for these intentions can be found at the back of the Church. Each Wednesday the box will be placed on the altar for Mass and then placed in the Adoration Chapel so that people attending can pray for them.
PERMANENT ADORER required for 3.30p.m.-4.30p.m. Please contact committee member
CONFESSIONS: Every Saturday in Millstreet Church 12.30p.m.-1.00p.m.
MILLSTREET CHURCH ALTAR SOCIETY for 11th & 18th March Group A.
Rotas for Next Weekend 10th/11th March |
Millstreet |
6.30 p.m. | Donal Cowman | Group E |
11.30 a.m. | Jerry Doody | ||
Ballydaly |
9.00 a.m. | Liam Flynn | Group C |
Cullen |
10.15 a.m. | Ann Murphy | Group C: Kathleen Mullane & Joan O’Donoghue |
CULLEN CHURCH: Collector for next weekend (11th): Willie O’Connell
There will be no Mass in Cullen this Thursday night.
DIOCESAN COLLECTION: Next weekend (10th/11th) for Emigrant Services.
LENTEN TALK: “Compassion, Faith and the Family” by Dr. Patricia Kieran on Monday night at 8.00p.m. in Millstreet Community School Library. Patricia Kieran is the mother of five school-going children. She works at Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, teaching Religious Education to trainee national school teachers. This talk will attempt to take an honest look at family life to see how and where compassion can help us to live it to the full. Everyone is welcome to attend. Admission is free, however a donation of €5.00 is suggested on each evening to cover travel costs of speakers.
Community Notices
AGM BALLYDALY HALL: Thursday 8th March at 8.30p.m. in Ballydaly Hall. All welcome.
MILLSTREET PRESENTATION N.S: Enrolment for September 2012. Parents can collect forms from the school office from Monday 5th – Thursday 8th March between 10.00a.m. & 2.00p.m. for children starting school in September.
MILLSTREET MENS SHED: Open every Tuesday from 10.00a.m. -1.00p.m. & 7.00p.m. – 9.00p.m. at Pound Hill. Further information (087) 6793841
COMMUNITY FORUM: Áine Collins TD has organised a community forum in the Wallis Arms Hotel on Monday 5th March at 7.30p.m. IRD will also do a short presentation on available funding on the night. Representatives from all community organisations are welcome.
MILLSTREET COMMUNITY SCHOOL CLASS REUNION 1976: March 16th in the Wallis Arms. Limited tickets available from Dan Murphy, West End or Mary Murphy, Guys & Dolls, Pound Hill.
CULLEN PIPE BAND will perform after Mass in Cullen on Sunday 11th March. Members of the juvenile band will perform for the first time in full uniform with their pipes and drums. A cake and flower sale will follow the performance in the Cullen Community Centre.
EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS: Application forms still available at Parish Office. Young people from 17-15 years of age are extended a special invitation for the International Eucharistic Congress from 10-16 June. Booking is required. Further details on: Liturgical Music repertoire has now been released. A core choir will lead the music each day with the participation of others gathered at the RDS and on the final day in Croke Park. Choirs/groups interested in participating must register at or call (01) 2981122.