As we move in to this Easter season the Methodist community would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Happy Easter. As well as chocolate and flowers may we all realize the incredible message of this time of year. The good news is that God is love and that God loves us so much that he came and lived amongst us and then, in Jesus, gave his life on our behalf. He died so that we might live. Then he conquered death and is alive now waiting for each one of us to respond to him personally. This Easter time let’s make it personal by realizing that although Jesus died for all the world that means he died for you personally and me personally and is waiting for us to respond by placing our trust in him and asking him to be our personal friend and saviour.
The Methodist Church in Killarney the Church will be open for a forty-eight hour period from 11.00am on Good Friday through to 9.00am on Easter Sunday so that people can come and go, just to spend time in prayer and reflection. Everyone is welcome to pop in and our prayer is that each person who does will meet with God in a very real way.
Services continue also in Millstreet meeting at the Canon O’Donovan Centre on Clara Road each Sunday at 7.00pm. On Easter Sunday we will share together in Holy Communion.
Further details on all of this from Laurence Graham at 064 6631613 or <email>