Tina Dunstan (Enright) who won the Ladies section at the Cullen Weigh-In this year, has entered the Spar Spartan Challenge, and hopes to represent Cork County. She needs your support to be selected for Cork, so she asks if you could go to her profile page and vote for her please!
I have fought with my weight for years, this year I am winning the battle with the help of jogging and running. I started at 18st 8.5lbs on the 1st of January. I decided this was going to be my year and started jogging and eating healthy from the 1st January. Today I am 15st 9lbs. I am only 1/3 of the way of my journey but I am totally committed and motivated. I have signed up for the Dublin run in april, limerick in May and the half marathon in cork in June. I am currently jogging 10k every morning. I love jogging and hate missing. I have motivated 2 other girls to join me at 6.30 every morning, and …
[You can read Tina’s full profile on Tina’s Spar Spartan Page]