As a teenager quite beautiful she had dark brown hair
In Millstreet’s West End than Elizabeth there was none quite so fair
But from the Millstreet Town of her young years she died far away
None of her siblings are living in Millstreet today
A credit to her family and the Town of Millstreet
One always quite friendly and pleasant to meet
With those who knew her good memories of her will remain
Elizabeth Duggan’s loss to Millstreet became Oxford’s gain
In Millstreet Town in Duhallow her life’s journey began
And she died in her mid to late sixties her’s in time not a long span
She left those who knew her with fond memories of her to recall
But our last night and day is awaiting us all
Hope her parting from life was a painless release
From any care or worry she now is at peace.
by Francis Duggan on Elizabeth Hunter (neé Duggan) who died recently