Anne Duggan

The youngest of the family of Cornelius and Catherine Duggan a woman who was compassionate and kind
Who was known for her generosity of spirit and brilliance of mind
From her Hometown of Millstreet Anne Duggan lives far away
She became a nun in the U S of A

One in her late sixties or early seventies with a great life story to tell
At poetry and stories one who writes rather well
Amongst the literary legends of Duhallow Anne can claim her place
Though to many living there nowadays her’s may not be a known face

In the Millstreet of my younger years not a leading light
But i always did know her to be intelligent and bright
Anne Duggan one who has matured like good wine
From above average to genius she has crossed that line

If there is such a thing as re-incarnation which seems possible to me
Edward Walsh re-born she even may be
Duhallow’s legendary poet in a now long gone day
I only say of her what does seem fair to say

I knew her to be charming and a pleasure to meet
Amongst Duhallow’s literary exports the best of Millstreet
Her best days are coming her best days not gone
Good on you Anne Duggan keep on writing on.

by Francis Duggan

6 thoughts on “Anne Duggan”

  1. Francis! I am stunned that a prolific poet/writer such as yourself devoted a complete poem to me. Thank you. I have been continually amazed in your writings at the people you remember from your youth. Also, I have admired your knowledge and love of nature that shine through in what you write.
    Oh………one more thing: My only claim to “fame” is that I am the only Duggan in my family who is still in her sixties!!!! All the others have already passed to the darker side..seventies and eighties, that is! I am savoring the moment, so to speak, as it is the one thing that now makes me smugly unique in my family. TaDa.
    Thank you again, Francis. I feel honored all the way from Australia to Texas. Let’s keep writing. It is a cathartic and satisfying endeavor.


  2. My husband is from Millstreet and he had cousins there by the name of Duggan. One being a Joan Duggan who died in the last few years and her brother Cornelius Duggan(Connie) of Millstreet but ended up in New York husband is Cornelius O’Connor(Con) I thought I would ask if there is a connection as he said Con Duggans parents were Cornelius and catherine??? let me know what you think.We now live in london Ontario Canada.

  3. It seems to me that there was a Joan Duggan who lived in the West End. I don’t know what the parents’ names were but if they were Cornelius and Catherine, then it does mirror the names of my parents. As far as I can tell, we are not related to the West End Duggans. There was also an Eileen and a son named Dan, I believe. When I was a child, a member of the family died while she was still quite young. I remember that we kept very quiet with our playing when passing by the house. I don’t know if this helps the trace.

  4. Thank you for your reply. Con is having some memory problems these days but he says Dan was a brother of Con and joan and that Dan lived in England and used to visit his sister Joan. Joan never married. We got mail from her and it seems to me she lived on Main street. Con’s brother John (Jack) O’Connor visited from Bishopstown, Cork but John died three years ago.He keptup close contact with Joan Duggan. They were not related at all to Noel Duggan. Humphrey O’Donoghue lives on Station rd. and he is a first cousin of my husband.Might have info as he is older… Con does not remember an Eileen Duggan .We are in touch with Con Duggan’s widow in New York city.This may all be irrelevant but maybe of some interest. Con has a cousin in Balydaly named Kathleen O’Connor and she might have a lot of information..Cheers from Nancy

  5. hi there , yes there was a Cornelius an Catherine duggan they was my great grandparents. my grandfather was Daniel duggan , he a sister joan an three brothers connie mossy an jack. sadly they have all passed away last one was connie who passed away about 6 years ago in new York which was a shock at the time as he was coming to London to visit my grandmother peggy duggan. my grandfather loved Ireland he use to always tell me stories about growing up in millstreet. they had a cousin called Humphrey aswell I think hes the last one left in millstreet. I asked my grandmother an my mother if there is a Katherine O’Connor an let you

  6. my granddad Daniel duggan moved to uk London when he was a young man he worked hard as a carpenter , connie moved to newyork an started a family there my aunt joan didn’t have any kids an she never married but she was a strong woman from what I can remember she lost her leg due to smoking a lot but that didn’t stop her from getting around. mossy died of stomach cancer when I was a baby an jack passed away some time ago. but no one ever mentioned jack I only knew he existed when my granddad past away he lived in a home in cork. connie an my granddad was the only 2 who got married kids. Daniel duggan married my beautiful grandmother peggy duggan an had three kids my aunt Kathleen an my mother joanne and my uncle Patrick duggan. connie had three boys I think 1 was a police officer an one worked for the fire department I remember connie telling me. I have to confirm with my mother. I was shocked when connie died he died about a week before he was coming to London to visit my grandmother. I remember him saying he liked London an they liked the Victorian houses aswell. he use to give me an my brothers ten pound notes an say don’t tell your parents till I go lool in his new York accent. his wife still lives in new York long island.

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