Millstreet I.N.T.O. Presentations at Wallis Arms Hotel Having recently retired following many years of dedicated service to Primary Education, presentations were made by Millsteet I.N.T.O. to retiring teachers Kathleen O'Connor and Anne O'Flynn at Wallis Arms Hotel on Friday, 8th June 2012. From left: Kathleen O'Connor (who retired from Carriganima N.S.), Patsy Dineen (Principal, Carriganima N.S.), Joan O'Mahony, Chairperson Millstreet I.N.T.O.; Andrias O'Sullivan (Principal, Derrinagree N.S.) and Anne O'Flynn (who retired from Derrinagree N.S.). We wish Kathleen and Anne many years of very happy and healthy retirement. Pat Breen, Secretary, Millstreet I.N.T.O. also presented official I.N.T.O. certificates of retirement. (S.R.)