Genealogy: Ellie Murphy, Mill Lane Upper

I am trying to get some information on my grandmother Ellie Murphy. She is listed as living at #20 Upper Mill Lane in the 1911 census. She was 7 years old at the time. Her father Bartholemew Murphy (36), mother Mary An(27), Maggie (2)and Dan (5 months)also lived in the house. Her mother’s maiden name was Gleeson and the family were from Tullig. I would love to hear from anyone who could help me in my search for further.
Eileen Murphy <email>

==== ADMIN NOTES ====

Also see Eileen’s comment in 2018: “My mother told us very little about her family and I would like to start with her mother known as Ellie Murphy when she lived in Mill Lane as a child. On her birth cert it says Ellen Gleeson so I’m guessing her mother married Bart Murphy some years after her birth, which of course means he may not have been her father.”

Marriage of Bartholomew Murphy and Mary Gleeson
on 15 October 1908 (there is no image with this record, it is a pity because it might have given more clarity.

1911 census:  Residents of a house 20 in Mill Lane Upper (Drishane, Cork)

Surname Forename Age Sex Relation to head Religion
Murphy Bartholomew 36 Male Head of Family
Agri labourer
3 children 3 living
Roman Cat
Murphy Mary an 27 Female Wife
2 children – 2 living
Roman Cat
Murphy Ellie 7 Female Daughter
Roman Cat
Murphy Maggie 2 Female Daughter Roman Catho
Murphy Dan Male Son Roman Catholic

So from the above census details, Mary Gleeson is NOT the mother of Ellie. Ellie’s mother must have died when she was a baby

TODO: Does Eileen have Ellie’s proper birth cert? I cannot find an Ellie / Ellen born locally to a father Bartholomew. It’s quite possibly she was born elsewhere, and moved to Millstreet after marrying Mary (often to the same family if there was a child involved)

I though maybe ellie’s mother died in childbirth or maybe TB, I could not find any woman (of child bearing age) married to bart Murphy that died in the period 1903-1906

Need to widen the scope of the search.



4 thoughts on “Genealogy: Ellie Murphy, Mill Lane Upper”

  1. I don’t know if you will see this post 5 years later but it’s worth a try. My father’s Uncle James Dineen and his family also lived at # 20 Upper Mill Lane both in the 1901 and 1911 Census. I just posted about Upper Mill Lane looking for information since my family and I will be traveling to Millstreet this summer. I haven’t been able to locate it on maps and was wondering if you have found any information of this building or the street ?
    Arizona, USA

    1. Hi Deb, I’ve just seen this message now. I’m going to look through the information I have to see if any connection. If you see this message you might let me know and we could swap email addresses and compare notes. Eileen

  2. Thank you for your help with this. I must have misread the 2011 census at the time. You are correct that it says Bart Murphy has 3 children and Mary is listed as having 2. I have started to go through the information I had 6 years ago and I have a copy of marriage cert for Bart and Mary. It says he was a laborer and never married.
    I also have a birth cert for Ellen Gleeson born in Killarney Workhouse 6th June 1904, mother Mary Gleeson.
    It’s getting very interesting.

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