Regional Report 994 5th January 2009


Eily Buckley

Dia is mhuire diobh go leir Cairde and welcome to News Report 994 from Millstreet, and welcome to Twenty Ten.

Our Weekly lotto Draw will resume on Sunday next January 10th. Starting off at the Clara Inn with a Jackpot of €2,200.

Well regardless of the weather, we had a great Christmas. Our newly refurbished Church looked great for the Nativity Mass. A few changes were evident, with the pulpit now beside the extended alter. It looks great and is used by those doing the readings. The Crib was placed just inside the entrance door, down at the end of the church, for the first time in many, many years. Donations for the crib are for charity every year.

The public were invited to view the new improvements made to the Sacristy and also what is now called the Parish Pastoral Centre, in other words the Nuns Choir. This three storied spacious building is now available for meetings etc. Booking can be done by contacting the parish office at 70043.

Parish calendars are available free of charge, and they contain all the information that you may need with regard to phone numbers and church services, etc.

Snow and sleet did not deter some hardy people from scaling the great Mushera Mountain on Christmas Day. While the New Years Day Plunge of the Blackwater at Dooneen went ahead with the usual gusto. Well done to all who took part. All were in aid of needy causes.

LTV2 cameras were there for your viewing in future programmes.

Tomorrow Wednesday January 6th is the Feast of the Epifeny and a Holy Day of obligation. Our church choir will feature in the vigil mass this evening.starting at 6.30.

Lots of events fell victim to the adverse weather, But the annual coursing which was held at our Town Park on Dec 30/31. was blessed with two fine days. With local entries coming to the fore. Many congratulations the Young Donal G O’Mahony whose dog Bridge Spirit won the Toots Kelleher Protection Cup. Coupled with that his bitch, Becky, won the Oaks Stake, sponsored by Corkery’s Bar.

The bottom line here is to let people know, now that the Coursing is over the Town Park is now opened to the Public again . which is good news for al those who go there regularly for their daily exercise, be it a gentle strole or a fast run.

A note from the popular Claire Galvin to say that during her break, home from America, she will run a 6 week course of Drama Classes at the Glen Theatre, starting on January 16th. Claire can be contacted by ringing 029 71153.

Ballydaly Christmas Party has been deferred to Saturday January 9th.

Program 150 of LTV2 will be on your screens this Thursday night at ten and repeated on Sunday night at 8. Lookout for LTVs special programmes on Sunday at 5 as well as all the programmes from Macroom. And please let me tell you that some of our LTV programs can now be viewed on our Website. Go into scroll down on the right-hand side to LTV2, click on it and there it is. Thanks to Bernard Crowley, for this addition.

Please be extra vigilent during this spell of extra bad weather. Frozen pipes and broken down heating systems are the order of the day. Farmers having problems with frozen milking parlours and water supplies. We are all in it together.

Drive with care, the snow is all gone from around here this morning, but has been replaced by a sheet of ice everywhere. Look out for other people, it needn’t always be the elderly, anybody can have a mishap.

Feed the birds, pets need more food and bedding , check their drinking water regularly for ice.

Agus sinn a bfuil a cairde. Before I leave you I want to wish you a very Happy and Successful Twenty Ten. Slán is Beannacht De libh go leir.

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