That life with it’s joys has it’s sorrows does seem sad to say
All is quiet and dark where Margaret’s last remains lay
In the bosom of Earth Mother to a natural decay
In the old Millstreet graveyard from here far away
To a good man Michael Casey Margaret was a good wife
And three sons and a daughter their union brought to life
Good memories live on and with us do stay
For as long as we live till our last night and day
Margaret was a humble person she never did wish to be known far and wide
A young friend of her’s Caroline Daly emailed to tell me that with dignity she died
That though she was suffering and in obvious pain
She did remain positive and did not complain
In her sixty ninth year Margaret breathed her last
A crippling stroke took it’s toll things do happen fast
We are born as mortals that is not a lie
And one day or night we are destined to die
That news of her passing with grief brought regret to me i cannot deny
In that to her i never got to say goodbye
And only the memories now with me remain
Of one i loved i will never see again.
by Francis Duggan, on his sister Margaret