Jim Coleman of Kilcorney was a famed Duhallow road bowling player
He lived with his wife Nora and family in Murphy’s Terrace in Millstreet Town
In his road bowling days it can be said of him
That he seldom ever left his backers down.
Jim Coleman will be missed by all who knew him
And though he did not live on to a ripe old age
He was one who did make the most of his life
But the reaper claims the life of everybody from the sportsman to the reaper and the sage.
Jim Coleman he was such a humble fellow
In road bowling he brought honour to Millstreet
Yet he was one who did not hog the limelight
And he was quite a nice person to meet.
Sad to say he’ll never more be seen in Millstreet or Kilcorney
Though on his life’s journey many friends he did gain
In his prime he was quite a dashing fellow
And fond memories of the good man does remain.