Two Superb Pictures from Fr. James McSweeney

First snow of winter up on Mushera (Butter Road) looking down across Millstreet and Duhallow I took the picture earlier this morning. We thank Fr. James for this wonderfully atmospheric picture. (S.R.)
Gerard McSweeney (Tooreenbawn) who got married recently to Karen White (Clondrohid) in St.Colman’s Church Macroom. Picture was taken next to Bealick Mill, Macroom. Gerard is of course Fr. James’s brother. Every happiness to the Happy Couple and many thanks, Fr. James for the splendid picture. (S.R.)

There were a few more photos of the dusting of the dusting of snow today, the first one is on the Aubane Facebook Page looking towards Nadd, and the other one is taken from just across the valley from Fr James’ photo of the snow (Click the links to see the photos). There was snow too on Kippagh and back along the Caherbarnagh Ridge.

2 thoughts on “Two Superb Pictures from Fr. James McSweeney”

  1. is this james mcsweeney who taught in the presentation convent in carlow in the 70s…………..this is ber nolan who attended your ordination and the above e-mail is my sisters. would appreciate if you could let me know…..thank you . ber

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