Millstreet Community School Transition Year drama group presents “Funny Money” by Ray Cooney. This hilarious comedy is guaranteed to beat the recessionary blues. Directors Jennifer O’Donoghue and Margaret Buckley have put in long hours with the cast and all the signs are that it wil be a great night’s entertainment. It will take place in the school on Tues. 22nd, Wed. 23rd and Thurs. 24th January at 8pm. Tickets are available from the school (029 70087) or at the door on the nights. (We thank teacher, Chris Horan for updating us on MCS creative projects – S.R.)
Back row, from left: Conor Twomey, Oisín Murphy (carrying a valuable prop from the play) and Nathan Harman.
Front row, from left: Muireann Buckley, Emma Kelleher, Eimer Pigott and Marie Farrell.