The Irish Examiner have today published an interview with Steven O’Riordan on how he got involved with, and his roller-coaster ride with the ladies from the Magdalene Laundries.
“On Tuesday night, a long line of Irish women in their 50s, 60s, and 70s stood side by side on the plinth outside the Dáil.
Each woman held on tightly to the hand of another before they all raised their linked hands, cheering and smiling broadly at the scrum of cameras and journalists standing below them. In the midst of that group stood a young man. From Millstreet in Co Cork, Steven O’Riordan isn’t the son of a Magdalene survivor. He isn’t a human rights activist. He is a 29-year-old who watched Peter Mullan’s film The Magdalene Sisters in 2006, having just graduated from a film studies degree.” – read the full article on the Irish Examiner
Steven O Riordan ‘The Power Of One’
Some people as unsung do go to their grave
But as it is said fortune favours the brave
And the bravest and most honorable of people speak out for the oppressed
What is all wrong with human society by them is addressed
The barrier of injustice some help to tear down
One such a person is Steven O Riordan he hails from Millstreet Town
In his fight for the rights of ‘The Forgotten Maggies’ his has become a great name
Life for him will never again be the same
In his late twenties Steven is a person worthy of being admired
By the 2006 Peter Mullan’s film The Magdalene Sisters he was inspired
Into action on behalf of the women who had lived through hell
Of their silence he helped to free them their harrowing stories to tell
Of the abuse they suffered in catholic run instituitons in Ireland years ago
Their stories are stories of sadness and woe
The likes of Steven has forced the Irish Government to them for past wrongs to apologize
The power of one is far greater than anyone seem to realize
Abuse of young innocent people in catholic run institutions in Ireland for too long has gone on
And one cannot say that the past is the past and in the forever gone
When the crimes committed against them are only being addressed today
Though too late is better than never as some do like to say
Steven O Riordan the man who spoke up from the silent crowd
His parents of him have a right to feel proud
The great flag of justice he proudly does wave
There is truth in the saying fortune favours the brave.
by Francis Duggan
This poem has inspired me to ask What are our politicians in Dail Eireann trying to avhieve by takiing mobility grants of helpless people? Is it so the politicians and their cronies of the future have work carrying out more enquiries like the Magadalene enquiry.