Very Successful READ Initiative Project 2013 at Millstreet Community School MIllstreet Community School First Year pupils (1Y Tutorial) who received their READ certificates from Principal, Pat Pigott. The READ initiative was set up jointly by the School and Cork Education Support Centre to encourage pupils to read for leisure. An initial target of one million words through Word Millionaire was set, but by the end of the project, well over four million words were read. The School hopes to develop and expand this project next year. Well done to all who were involved.Also included in the photo are Lucy McSweeny and Mary Kate Murphy from Fifth Year and Second Year respectively who were the overall winners of the Senior School and Junior School Work Topper competition. Also included in the photograph is Jennifer O’Donoghue, English Teacher. We thank School Secretary, Marion Buckley, for the appreciated picture and caption. Click on the image to enlarge. (S.R.)