“No Limbs No Limits” is a new documentary on the extraordinary life story of Millstreet’s Joanne O’ Riordan, as told by her brother Stephen.
The documentary trailer has been released (Sept 27th) and can be seen here:
For more:
Community website for Millstreet, Co. Cork, Ireland
“No Limbs No Limits” is a new documentary on the extraordinary life story of Millstreet’s Joanne O’ Riordan, as told by her brother Stephen.
The documentary trailer has been released (Sept 27th) and can be seen here:
For more:
Today’s Irish Examiner has a long interview with Joanne O’Riordan, on life with total amelia, and the upcoming documentary.
Read the article at: http://examiner.ie/ireland/no-limbs-no-limits-for-pretty-unique-joanne-243767.html