Alleged Theft of a Gun

Written Answers for the House of Commons of 6 February 1913

Mr. SHEEHAN asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that Cornelius Riordan, of Millstreet, county Cork, was arrested on Wednesday, 22nd January, charged with stealing a gun, the property of M`Carthy O’Leary, at Coomlogane, and was remanded in custody, bail being refused; whether he is aware that Mr. D. E. Ferguson, the solicitor engaged for the defence of this man, applied to the constabulary on Monday, 27th January, to have Riordan brought back to Millstreet on the expiry of the remand so that he might apply for bail and examine three witnesses to prove an alibi, and was informed by Sergeant Mulcahy, Royal Irish Constaubulary, that he had instructions from his authorities to proceed to Cork and apply for a further remand in custody; whether the police have produced any evidence whatever against Riordan to connect him with the offence beyond stating that they wish to have the impression of his fingers taken; whether he will state why the constabulary authorities have kept a prisoner in gaol on mere suspicion; have the finger-print impressions been taken, and, if se, with what result; why was the application m[…]de by Mr. Ferguson to produce Riordan at the local Petty Sessions Court on the expiration of the first remand refused, seeing that the witnesses for the defence are in poor circumstances and could not afford to pay their fares to Cork; and is this man to be kept indefinitely in gaol without being afforded an opportunity of making his defence?

Mr. BIRRELL The police authorities inform me that on 22nd January Cornelius Reardon was arrested on warrant and remanded for eight days. On 27th January Mr. Ferguson, his solicitor, requested that the accused might be brought back to Millstreet on the expiration of the remand so that he might produce witnesses for the defence. In the circumstances of the case witnesses for the defence could not then be examined, and no advantage could therefore be gained by bringing Reardon back to Millstreet. On 31st January Reardon was discharged on bail to appear at Millstreet Petty Sessions on the 10th52W instant, when the case will be heard, and it will not therefore be necessary for the witnesses for the defence to proceed to Cork.

(House of Commons Debate  – 06 February 1913 vol 48 cc51-2W 51W)


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