Programme 223 which was broadcast last night Thursday 28 November is now online. You can now watch our Third Programme of the New Season right here at or on the LTV2 Facebook Page and… this Programme will be repeated next Sunday Evening December 1 at 8.00pm
To receive reception one needs to retune analogue settings (available in menu “settings”). When scanning is complete one will now have the new channel – either UHF Channel 30 or UHF Channel 35 (or both in certain areas of Millstreet). All this depends on how strong the signal is in any given area. The UHF Channel 30 signal comes from the Carriganima direction whereas the UHF Channel 35 signal comes from the western side of Millstreet Town. This is now saved and is presently transmitting the EWTN (Religious) Channel.
LTV2 Programme 1: Edited by Seán Murphy
LTV2 Programme 2: Edited by Bernard Crowley
LTV2 Programme 3: Edited by Seán Radley
Programme Schedule:
00:30 Retired Teachers’ Association of Ireland (RTAI) Choir – Cork Branch sing
03:30 In studio with Seán Radley, Eily Buckley, and Seán Murphy
11:00 Eily’s Regional Report
16:10 Tom Meaneys’ speech at the Millstreet Community School 40th anniversary at the Green Glens. He spoke on the history of post primary schools before the Community School was built and how all three schools pulled together to get the Community School for Millstreet.
26:40 Jerry and Brendan on red berry holly
30:15 The Boeing Swim Group present a cheque to the Cannon O’Donovan Centre, with a words by Donal Guiney, and Margaret Crean, and Brian O’Sullivan (at the Malpaso)
35:30 Seán and Eily in studio
37:50 New Bishop of Kerry Ray Browne, on his first visit to St.Patricks Church Millstreet, with the Millstreet Community Choir singing
40:24 In studio, discussing the Community Choir, and the late Eileen Lehane
43:36 Christmas concert from 1995 at the Presentation National School Stage
48:15 Seán and Eily
54:00 Christmas craft fair at the Pearse Memorial Hall in Boherbue, and an interview with Dr Mary Leader
1:08:05 Crystal Swing and other snipplets from programme 128 (2009)
1:18:15 Finishing the show as they started with the RTAI Choir
1:20:49 programme ends
Many thanks to Bernard Crowley for uploading our weekly LTV2 programme to the Millstreet website. Already we’ve had very positive reaction to Tom Meaney’s excellent address re the 40th Anniversary of Millstreet Community School – one of the many features we included in Programme 3 of LTV2 Millstreet. (No. 223 in the original numbering system).
The chats on Nature between Brendan Murphy and Jerry Riordan from Millstreet far away
To see and listen to for to say the least interesting and always brings enjoyment to my day
When Jerry says Brendan is a fountain of knowledge on Nature due respect to the man he does pay
Since Brendan is one who knows about Nature and i must agree with what Jerry of him does say
Brendan is a man who knows much about Nature and learning of her ways he does enjoy
He has been living near and learning of our Earth Mother ever since he was a primary school going boy
Millstreet has plenty of celebrated people but of Brendan’s type there they are in need of more
And it is sad to think that people who love Nature in communities are never to the fore
Jerry does play his part in the conversation since he is good at drawing Brendan out
Since Brendan in his ways is not over talkative though on Nature he knows what he is on about
They did mention that berry eating migratory birds in Ireland this would have to include the redwing thrushes and fieldfare
Due to Climate Change like most other migratory bird species of late in Winter months becoming rare
From listening to Brendan and Jerry talking on Nature on L T V in Millstreet one never fails to learn something new
On the natural environment Brendan is one well informed though sad to think his type nowadays are few
For many years he has lived close to Nature and of Nature’s ways so much he does surely know
He learned from looking at wildlife in the fields of Millstreet where from a boy to manhood he did grow.
On Brendan And Jerry On L T V is by Francis Duggan