In recent days it was brought to our notice that the much appreciated television signal from St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet was not working. Having alerted the necessary people with expertise in these matters it was discovered that a technical problem existed. Thankfully as the problem was internal and not connected to the aerial on the roof the cost of repair would not be as significant. The signal is now fully restored. Such a facility from a local parish church is indeed special and is quite a rare provision in other areas. The church television signal was initially established and financed by the Presentation Sisters primarily to provide access to church services for the Presentation Convent and St. Joseph’s Community Hospital. Private houses over quite a large area of Millstreet and its environs have also been able to receive the signal. It is transmitted on Channel 53 UHF. Those houses with an aerial pointing in the direction of the Church are most likely to receive the best signal. It can only be tuned in when a service is in progress at the Church where the camera which is focused on the main altar is switched on. (S.R.)