Eily Buckley
Dia is Mhuire diobh go leir a Cairde and welcome to News Report 1201 from Millstreet. Fondest greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this cold, wet, and calm Tuesday morning.
Everything is fast returning to normal following the Christmas break. The annual New Year Day dip in the Blackwater is still on hold due to weather conditions, but other than that all voluntary bodies are getting ready to swing back into action and do their best for our community in the year ahead.
The Green Glens has a long list of events coming up, starting as soon as next week when they will stage the Annual Machinery Show on Wednesday & Thursday January 22 & 23rd.
Other confirmed events are,
Millstreet Welcome Tour for eight Days in April.
2014 Pony Championships in July29th to August 3rd.
Millstreet International Horse Show August 12th to 17th.
National Dairy Show October 18th.
Owners Pony & young riders Show. October 24 to 26th
Self-Build Extend & Renovate show November 7 to 9th.
Other events will be announced if and when they come on stream.
Theres a notice from our young Macra Group to say that they are inviting anyone from the age of 17 to 35 to join them for the competitions and other activities in the coming season which include, setdancing, ballad group, Comedy/Novelty Act,Instrumental Musicand Solo Singing. The Contact number is
087 368 41 38. Our Macra Group also help out at various events in the area throughout the year.
Every good wish to John Hickey who has resumed his Hackney business at 087629 85 32.
It’s that time of year again when the Cullen Special Needs Association calls us all to lose weight in aid of their fund. It starts next Monday night January 20th aerobics and music starts the following Monday night. Please support them well.
Still with Cullen,their walking club meet on Tuesday nights. Starting from the Church at 7pm and all are welcome. Please wear High-Viz Jackets.
In Ballydaly their weekly set dancing resumes on Wednesday Nights from 8.30 to 10. and all are welcome.
Monthly Community Council meeting will be held to-night starting at 9 at the Wallis Arms Hotel and all sellers of the Millstreet Calendar please attend.
The AGM of our Development Group will be held at the E-Centre on to-morrow Wednesday night January 15th.
and all are welcome starts at 8.
A public Meeting about the King Mahon Monument will be held in Kilcorney Hall this Thursday night February 15th, starting at 8pm.
The Marian Players In Rathmore are all set for Curtains up on their popular Annual Pantomime, Robinson Crusoe,
They open this Saturday night January25th, again Wednesday 29th, Thursday 30th, & Sunday Feb.2nd. Starting at 8 every time. The number for enquiries
064 775 85 26.
Please give them your best support.
Please be reminded that Our beautiful Country Park will feature on the popular “At Your Service Program” on RTE TeleVision on Sunday night next starting at 8.30.
Table Quiz at the Wallis Arms Hotel on January 31st to raise funds for 5th year students who are going as helpers to Lourdes at Easter with IHCPT.
And for leaving cert students, there is a one-day intensive course on Saturday January 25th at the Malton Hotel Killarney,
Contact number 086 66 35 323.
Millstreet Gramaphone Circle Monthly meeting This Friday night January 17th starting at 8.15 Presenter, Margaret Moynighan, Killarney Rd. all are welcome.
Bingo at the GAA Hall every Thursday night.
Millstreet Knitting club has resumed at the Adult Learning Centre in the Main St every Tuesday night from 7pm. and all are welcome.
Our weekly lotto resumed on Sunday night last. The Draw was held at the Clara Inn. Numbers drawn were 16, 26, 29, 31. The jackpot of€6,800 was not won.€100 went to Peter Lawlor Dooneen, The seller was Mary Lane and she got €50 sellers prize, â€50 went to Margaret Smith Murphys Tce,
€20 each to Kelly Cooney, Rathcoole, Aiden & Donagh Murphy. Clarabeg, Danl O Leary Drishane Road, Brien Dinneen Irish Rail , Niamh Kiely, Station Rd, Thomas O Keeffe c/o the Millwheel, and Dentrastix c/o the Mal Passo.
Jackpot for next week €7,000 the draw at he Wallis Arms Hotel on Sunday night.
Bridge Classes for beginners are available ,
Contact 087 207 30 42.
Expostition of the Blessed Sacrement in our Church every Tuesday &Wednesday from 10.30 am to 10.30 pm.
And in Cullen on Thursdays from 10am. to
And for anyone who would like to join the Priesthood the contact number is
087 164 0967.
The Community Singers Group will resume on Thursday nights at the Parish Centre beside the Church. starting at 7.30 and all are welcome.
I can be contacted on email <email>
or 086 316 32 85 if you have an item for my report.
Agus sinn a bfuil a Cairde, Slan is Beannacht De libh go leir.