* The people of Dromtariffe were out in force again for the third parish walk on Thursday 10th of July. A large group of over 80 people of all ages turned up on the night. The walk went from the Ball Alley, Lyrevouscane to the Boeing, Dromsicane Castle. The dogs swam in the river and the crowd sang the Bold Thady Quill. Our 4th walk on Thursday 17th it starts from Derrinagree Church Car Park at 7.30p.m. Refreshments will be served after in the hall. We would ask people to please bring water with them.
* A family Funathon will run in Dromtariffe Parish hall on the 17th of August. There will be loads of happening on the day and lots more information in the weeks ahead.
Dromtariffe Parish hall requires coaches and tutor for activates in the hall for September. Please contact <email>
* Some photos below. Lots more information and photos available on all Dromtariffe Parish Hall activates on our facebook page.