Eily Buckley
Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to News Report 1235 from Millstreet. Fondest greeting on this lovely calm Autumn Morning. A new local committee has been formed to raise money for Marymount Hospice. Their aim is to raise €5,000 by mid-October. Events to date have already realised almost €2,000, so they are well on their way. Tickets at €5 each will be sold door to door and so on. There is a host of prizes to be won. First prize a trailer of firewood which was salvaged from last winter’s storms. Second Prize €200 third €100. The Draw will be held at a Gala celebration, which will be held at the pub in Carriganima on Friday October 24th. Please give your best support to this great venture for such worthy cause. For more details contact Timmy Cronin, Kilmeedy 086 418 08 70 or Jerry O Donoghue, Cullen at 087 2911884.
The Annual Church Gate collection in aid of our popular Pipe Band will be held this weekend September 20/21st. Please support it well.
Listen below to Eily’s Regional Report:
Audio Player
The monthly meeting of our Gramophone Circle will be held this Friday night September 19th at the Canon O Donovan Centre, starting at 8.15.Presenter Maurice Linehan.
Weekly set Dancing resumes at Ballydaly Hall every Wednesday night from 8.30 to 10 and all are welcome.
Coffee evening in aid of Marymount Hospice at Ballydaly Hall on this Friday September 19th from 8 to 10pm.
Coffee Morning at Millstreet GAA Hall.
Weekly set dancing resumes at Aubane Social Centre every Monday night from September 22nd.
Aubane’s Annual Charity Fancy Dress Ball takes place at the Wallis Arms Hotel on Friday September 26th. Local Charity Groups are invited to apply now to John F Kelleher, Aubane Social Club for funding.
Our Community Council is in the process of bringing out their annual Calendar for 2015 ahead of the New Year. This time it promises to be a real classic. As all the various events of this busy year have been recorded on camera, and will bring back some wonderful reminders of some wonderful happenings. An excellent Christmas Gift. And all proceeds will go to local causes.
Our Community Singers are making a CD at the moment. It will include many songs that are seldom sung today. Again a wonderful thing to have. Community Singer Sessions every Thursday night at the Parish Centre starting at 7.30 and all are welcome.
A note from IRD Duhallow to say that the DART College Service is about to resume. Those who are interested can contact the DART Office. 02960633.
Annual Legion of Mary Pilgrimage to Knock Shrine is on Sunday September 28th. Bus €20. Contact Patricia 087 9048659. Legion of Mary Meeting at the Parish Centre every Monday night at 8 and all are welcome.
A notice here to say that the Hugh O Flaherty Memorial Society have announced details of the 2014 Tour of Rome and Montecassino, departing on November 2nd and returning November 6th. Details from 064 6637928, or Email chamber @
Arthritis Ireland will run the Award winning program entitled “Living Well with Arthritis” course this autumn. For details contact 01 6470206.
Deeper Conversation will commence on tomorrow Wednesday at the parish Centre, starting at 7.30 all welcome.
Parent/Toddler group meet every Tuesday morning from 9.45 to 12 noon. New Members Welcome.
Eucharistic Adoration in Millstreet Church every Tuesday /Wednesday from 10.30 am to 10.30pm. In Cullen every Thursday from 10am to 7. Confessions in Millstreet Church every Saturday from 12.30 to1pm.
Banteer Bingo Jackpot for Tuesday September 16th will be € 6,500 with total prize money on the night € 8,500 “ Bingo in Millstreet every Thursday night.
45Drive at the Canon O Donovan Centre every Tuesday night. Proceeds go to the Centre Fund. And all are welcome.
The Weekly lotto Draw was held at McCarthy’s Bar on Sunday night, Numbers drawn were 9, 13, 18, 24 and the Jackpot was not won. €100 went to C.N. P. T. syndicate .The seller was Tom Carroll and he got €50 sellers prize , €50 went to Joan Wall Station Road.20eachto Denis Healy, Church St. Tessie O Sullivan, Crinaloo, El. Barlito c/o The Mal Passo Bar. Kevin O Connor Rathrue, P.J. O Sullivan, St Joseph’s Gardens. Codi Austin, 50 Murphy’s Terrace. Catriona Twohig, Annagloor, and Daly Family, Mountleader. Jackpot for next week €14,000 the draw at the Clara Inn on Sunday night.
A million congratulations to the Cork Ladies camogie team on winning the All Ireland Final on Sunday.
Millstreet hosted the Duhallow Junior A Hurling Championship Final on Sunday where Kilbrin bettered Banteer.
Well done to Millstreet on overcoming Donoughmore in the Co. Minor Hurling Championship ¼ Final.
On this Friday, Millstreet encounter Glenbower Rovers in the Co. Junior A Football Championship in Pairc Ui Rinn with a 6.15pm throw in.
Slan is Beannacht De libh go leir (Goodbye and God Bless you all.)
PS. Please take note that my weekly report will no longer be heard live on radio, except for a 30 seconds snippet, which will be heard at 10.30 on Tuesday mornings. After that my full report can only be accessed on line, I believe that all the reports from round the county will be run starting at 10.30 on Tuesdays. I am sorry for all the people who don’t have online. However the new change will mean that people at home and all over the world will now be able to get the reports live from wherever they are at any time. Poor consolation I know for all those who don’t have computers. Modern methods always come at a price, unfortunately.
Thank you Eily for your support. We are very gratefull for your help towards this worthy cause. We would also like to thank everyone who contributed to our fundraising so far and assure you that 100% of your money will reach Marymount Hospice. Thanks Again to one & all.
“Marymount Fundraising Committee”