This old used postcard of Millstreet
Train Station Railway Station surfaced on eBay this week. We’d love to know if anyone knows when this photo was taken at what kind of engine is shown. The island platform lasted at least until the late 80s (removed at the time of the Eurovision?), but the control building Signal Cabin in the background lasted a bit longer, though without the chimney I think.
Here is a similar view from 1985, a view of the train station from 2011.
added 27th Nov 2014:

Locomotive pictured at Millstreet Railway Station is No. 333; built by the Great Southern & Western Railway in Inchicore in 1907, passed into Great Southern Railways ownership in 1925, rebuilt in 1930 & 1932, taken into CIE’s fleet in 1945 and withdrawn from service in 1955. Specially built for Cork – Rosslare boat train services, they were subsequently moved to working to secondary services and excursion traffic.
What is termed a ‘control building’ is actually the signal cabin, this was demolished after of the installation of Centralised Traffic Control and automatic barriers around 2005.
That Americanism ‘Train Station’ seems to be displacing the proper term ‘Railway Station’.
Thanks DC for the information. it’s always good to get some perspective.
Apologies for the incorrect terminology. it’s what i was brought up with … will try to remember in future
I came across this image from the signal cabin at Millstreet railway station. It’s from 1993 and was in the Eurovision broadcast:

Click this link to see the short video sequence from the Signal Cabin (at 8:53 in the video).