Somewhere 100 years from now in an office full of yet undreamed of computer gadgetry, a historian will take a break from work, look into the middle distance and marvel at Sean Radley. Sean Radley, probably even as you read this, is busy recording the life and times of an entire community, his beloved home town of Millstreet in north Cork. Thanks to Sean, almost every minute detail of Millstreet life – social, sporting, political, business, religious and much more – has been captured over 30 years, first on cine film, then in photographs, on audio tape, and, more recently again, on video.
The result is an astonishing archive of material – almost 30,000 photographs, over 2,500 audio tapes, 500 video tapes and thousands of…
I first read this article on-line back in ’99. Like most things in print, I took it with a grain of salt — NOBODy could possibly be THAT selfless, THAT dedicated and THAT energetic!
But then, we had the great fortune of actually meeting Sean Radley, in June of 2000, on the occassion of bringing my Father-in-law to Millstreet so that he might see the place where his father was born and raised.
It was at that point that I realized that the article had, if anything, DOWN PLAYED Sean’s energy, enthusiasm and dedication! What it fails to adequately express is Sean’s unflinchingly boundless, almost single-minded determination to educate the world about the endless charms and merits of Millstreet.
Sean should have been an Evangelical Preacher — he’s certain made a believer out of me!
Bob…Your wonderfully kind comment is much appreciated. I never realised that what we have attempted to do at Millstreet Museum would have such a positive effect on those so sincerely involved in research of their Irish roots. It is my hope, as I retire later this year from my teaching work, to devote far more time to especially arranging a clear catelogue of our archives….so that it may be of more benefit to future generations. Renewed thanks, Bob….Seán R.
Would love to see Sean’s work.
Vivian…At a future point we hope to develop a special Millstreet Museum feature (regularly updated)on
I left Millstreet fifty years ago and Sean has consistantly kept me informed on the events and changes that have taken place during that time. I don’t know where he finds the time, but his efforts are certainly appreciated by those of us who emigrated in the late fifties.
Pat….Sincere thanks for your very kind comment. It is you who have kept such a wonderfully strong bond with your native Millstreet. Your emails with those gems of thoughts for reflection which you often share are very much appreciated. You and your good Family are superb Ambassadors for Millstreet and Ireland in the U.S.A.. We all have excellent memories of the Lehane Family in Minor Row, Millstreet. Best wishes ….Seán R.