Eily Buckley
Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome to News Report 1254 from Millstreet. Fondest greetings dear listeners and I wish you all the very best on this cold calm Tuesday morning with the clock at Zero.
This week will see some see lots of disruptions in the flow of traffic passing through Macroom town and road users would do well to check them out before going that way. Starting to night February 17th at midnight No parking will be allowed on the Main thoroughfare in Macroom town to facilitate larger than normal loads making their way to Ballyvouskil windfarm site outside Millstreet. This rule will be repeated on Friday Feb 20th and again on Monday February 23rd and Thursday February 26th.
These times and dates may vary and the organisers are asking people to check with their local radio stations for any changes.
The organisers wish to apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Loads being transported will weigh over 150 tonnes.
Our Lovely Town Park is sporting a set of brand new set outdoor adult Gym items,24 pieces in all.
They are free to use and as they are placed along the walkway and can be enjoyed at any time during your walk around the park. Full marks to all those who campaigned for so long to get this wonderful addition to our Town Park which is second to none.
At their recent AGM, the following officers were elected. President John O Keeffe, Chairman, Noel Collins, Secretary, Denis Hickey, Assistant Secretary, Joseph Kelleher, Treasurers Maura Dineen and Geraldine O Leary, PRO Jerry Lehane,
Committee Patsy McAulliffe, Pat Murphy, Noreen Corkery, Michael McCarthy, Mary Collins, Maeve O Sullivan, Maurice Linehan ,Sharon Lane, Joan Casey, Aine Murphy, Niamh O Mahony and Sinead Murphy.
The Southern Branch of Cystic Fibrosis will hold a fundraising Dance at the Riverside Hotel in Macroom on Saturday February 28th Music by the popular Michael Collins. They were delighted with the support they got at this event last year, so please be there for them again on February 28th.
We are into the start of Lent, and today being Shrove Tuesday is pancake day, so have your fill before giving up something for the next six weeks. Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday and Holy Ashes will be distributed at 10 am Mass and also in the evening at 7.30 Mass.
The monthly Gramaphone Circle meeting will be held at the Canon O Donovan Centre on Friday night February 20th starting at 8,15. Presenter Joe Kennelly,Ballincollig and formerly of Millstreet, and all are welcome.
Dromtarriffe ICA meeting Tuesday February 24th. Topic this month Antiques, Guest speaker Michael.
A notice here from our local Comhaltas Group who are trying to build up their instrument Bank and they are asking anyone who has a musical instrument that they no longer want to please donate it to them, Contact number 087 9227415.
Ballydaly social group are holding their AGM to-night starting at 8 and all are welcome.
Weekly WeighIn continues in Cullen every Monday night. Music and Zumba fitness classes included.
The AGM of the Millstreet active retired group takes place at the Parish Centre on Wednesday February 25th at 7pm. and all are welcome.
Here are the results of this weeks Parish lotto draw which was held at the MalPasso Bar on Sunday night numbers drawn were.
2,8,15,27. and the Jackpot was not won.
€100 went to Sarah Healy Drishane Rd. the seller was Tom Carroll and he got €50 sellers prize,
€50 went to Ciara McAulliffe and Darren Cremin. €20 each to Kathleen and David Dooneen, Elaine Enright c/oAlps.
Mary Cotter, Liscahane Tim Kiely the Square, Denis Sinead and Donagh Corkery, Shanaknuck, Catherine O Sullivan, Crinaloo, Cian Lawlor Drishane Rd. EilyMae Walsh Grenagh.
Jackpot for next week €18,000 the draw at the Clara Inn on Sunday night.
Fundraising auction in aid of their local Bus service will be held at the Pub in Carriganima on this Friday night Feb 21st. Items for this Auction will be gratefully received in advance of that date. Please support them well.
Their bus is used every day to bring 11 children from Macroom to the local school in Carriganima, also to take local people from the area to Macroom town every Tuesday for shopping etc. At night it can be used to take people to events in outlying places,such as the pub in Ballinagree and so on. Well done to all involved.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in our Church every Tuesday and Wednesday from 10.30 am to 10.30 pm and in Cullen on Thursdays from to 7pm. If you’d like to sign up to spend an hour with the Lord then ring the Parish office at 02970043.
Sliabh Luachra Cycling Club will hold a registration night for juveniles tomorrow Wednesday night February 18th at Teach Iosagain Rathmore,from 7.30.
Look out on Utube on our Millstreet website for LTV2 program 248 and please be reminded that all local tv programs can be accessed on our UTube at any time. A simple connection from your laptop to your television means that programs can be enjoyed on your full screen at any time ask at your TV shop.
Our Community Council Awards Social will be held at the Wallis Arms Hotel on Friday March 6th. Tickets will go on sale in the near future.
Arthritis Ireland will run a course a 6 weeks course commencing on Thursday April 9th Contact Margaret Crean 087 221 28 64.
Agus sinn a bfuil a Cairde for C103 this is eily Buckley saying many thanks for listening agus Slan is beanncaht De libh go leir.