Millstreet Community Schools Active Lenten Programme was featured on The Horizons radio show which aired on Radio Kerry yesterday morning from 9am to 10am (Sunday March 22nd). Noreen Moynihan interviewed school chaplin John Magee and the students about the activities (Fair Trade, Climate Change, Language and Culture) that have been taking place in the school in the last few weeks.
To listen to John Magee’s interview, go to Horizons “Listen Now” page. In the audio player, click on “Part1.220315”, and you can hear it from 00:40 to 5:26
To listen to the students talking about the projects, go to Horizons “Listen Now” page. In the audio player, click on “Part2.220315”, and you can hear it from 00:00 to 7:40.
Piotr Delimat the new Polish Chaplin in the Kerry Diocese is also interviewed. A lot of our Polish in Millstreet would travel for services at the weekend ( listen to it at “Part2.220315” from 7:40 ).