Maintenance Rather than Checking Out the “Golden Eagles”!

The impressive scene outside St. Patrick's Church, Millstreet this Wednesday morning (8th April 2015) with Martin Leader's Hoist in place - not to check out the "Golden Eagles" location as people humorously surmised - but rather the continuation of Church maintenance near the bell tower.  Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)
The impressive scene outside St. Patrick’s Church, Millstreet this Wednesday morning (8th April 2015) with Martin Leader’s Hoist in place – not to check out the “Golden Eagles” location as people humorously surmised – but rather the continuation of Church maintenance near the bell tower. Click on the images to enlarge.  (S.R.)

4Hoist at St.Patrick's Church, Millstreet  8th April 2015 -8001Hoist at St.Patrick's Church, Millstreet  8th April 2015 -8007Hoist at St.Patrick's Church, Millstreet  8th April 2015 -800The work is being carried out in brilliant sunshine as we enjoy such great Easter Week weather.  Some more images follow.4Hoist at St.Patrick's Church, Millstreet  8th April 2015 -800 3Hoist at St.Patrick's Church, Millstreet  8th April 2015 -800

1 thought on “Maintenance Rather than Checking Out the “Golden Eagles”!”

  1. I just don’t believe it!! I think extraordinary means are being employed to find the “golden eagles!” The saga continues….

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