“Radio Treasures” on Cork Music Station www.corkmusicstation.com at 9.30pm until 11.00pm tonight, Tuesday, 16th June. 2015. Tonight’s programme includes a wide variety of uplifting music and song including Bridie Gallagher, John McCormack and Ruby Murray. Also tonight an exclusive interview at 10.15 with James Deane, his parents and also with Jack Shanahan after their trememdous success having come first and second in the Millstreet National Stage of the Championship at the Irish Drift Championship event in Green Glens at the weekend. Also we feature a repeat at 10pm of our Bluegrass Musicians at Millstreet Library. Do tune in if you get an opportunity. One may contact the programme by texting or log into the Seán Radley Facebook page. To our loyal website followers especially in Cobh please note that when you log into Cork Music Station one needs to press the play button usually so as to commence the broadcast and if transmission is lost during the programme just refresh the page. Happy Listening! (S.R.)