Eily’s Update – 1st December 2015

eily1Dia is mhuire diobh go leir a cairde and welcome.

Our annual Christmas Market was a great success at the GAA Hall on Sunday. The wild ‘n windy weather did nothing to deter the crowds in coming. The same kind of weather is making it more difficult for the Town Development Group the put up the Christmas decorations around the Town. But having said that the larger than usual tree in the town square remained standing straight and tall in spite of the elements. The decoration of the town will continue this week, and well done to all those who come out to help. Please keep up the good work.

The Vigil Mass on Saturday night was said for all those who passed away in 2015. The names of the 41 people were recalled and some their family members took part in the readings.

The Holy Season of Advent is upon us and the first of the Pascal  candals, was lit on the Alter before Mass on Sunday. Many more extra prayers and devotions will be said in the run up to the birth of Our Lord at Christmas.

This week our Community Council are working with the Gardai to make sure that all our people are enrolled in the Text Alert Service.  A public meeting was held at the Wallis Arms Hotel Wednesday night, Dec.2nd. Members of the Gardai attended. It is very important that every body helps to get this important development off the ground. It costs €10 per person to join.


Millstreet Hospital Annual 45 Drive will be held at the Green Glens on Sunday December 6th starting at 8.45.


The Aubane Social Club will hold their annual Christmas Night at the Wallis Arms Hotel this Friday night December 4th, tickets €12 and all are welcome.

Keep an eye out for hours of local TV every week both on youTube and Annalogue 30 or 35 on TV.


Millstreet Vintage Club will hold their AGM,  at the Parish Centre on Thursday December 10th, starting at 8.30. New members welcome.


And still with our Vintage Club, well done to Ann and John Barry who presented to proceeds of their Open Day, during the Vintage Fest 2015, to our Day Care Centre. It amounted to €2,200.

The Barry Family have an endless array of old time machinery and artifacts at their home in Lackabawn .


The AGM of our GAA Club will be held on Friday night December 4th.


The Cullen and District Special Needs Association will hold their annual Mass and Christmas Party on Saturday December 5th, starting at 1.30pm.

Women’s Little Christmas Event will be held on Friday 8th January 2016 in Wallis Arms Hotel Millstreet. Tickets  at €25 each and will include punch reception, turkey and ham, dessert, tea/coffee. Please them know in advance if you have any dietery requirments, prior to the event. Music by “Back on Track.” Doors open at 7.30 and meal served at 8pm sharp.  Tickets will be on sale on Monday next 7th December in Parish Centre (kitchen) at 8.30pm (after 7.30pm mass ). Enquiries to Mairead  Daly  087/9031475.


Our TownPark is Closed from now until the first week in January 2016.


A word from Maeve Neenan to say many Congratulations Caoimhe O’Leary, from Millstreet Athletic Club  who was competing in the All-Ireland Cross Country Championships in Dublin on 29th November last.  Caoimhe was representing Cork and Cork won a bronze medal.   She was the 6th girl home for Cork.  This is her second year winning a medal with the Cork team at the All-Ireland Championships.


Many congratulations to the popular Mairead Piggott on being elected the new President of Vetinary Ireland.


A note from Brid Cranitch to say that they have a concert given by Jackie Daly, Matt Cranitch, Conal Ó Gráda, Geraldine O’Callaghan  at  Ionad Cultúrtha on Friday, 11th Dec 2015 @ 8:30. Pre-booking advised – 026.45733 / <email> ionadculturtha.ie



The Students of our Community School will hold a Monster Draw in aid of Simon. Starting now, watch out for them selling lines for this deserving cause. The draw is on December 16th please support them well.


A lovely Book of Poetry by local man Niall O Brien is on sale in all the shops. An ideal Christmas gift.


Please shop at home this Christmas and help our shops and services to remain in business.


From now till Christmas the Divine Mercy Novena will be said in MillstreetChurch every Sunday at 3pm and all are welcome .



Exposition of the Blessed Eucharist every Thursday in Cullen and in Millstreet on Tuesday and Wednesdays.  Please go along for a few minutes or put your name down to do an hour at a given time each week. Contact the Parish Office for details. 02970043.


Methodist Church



The Lighthouse, Millstreet is excited to publish this year’s Christmas events:

During advent we will extend our normal opening time so that we will be open Thursday mornings 9.30am-12-30pm and each Saturday in December 1pm-4pm.

We have a selection of Christmas gifts, cards, books and CD’s.

We continue with themed informal bible study each Tuesday at 7.30pm new comers welcome.

Our advent services are held each Sunday evening at 6.30pm Sunday service on 13th December will include a live Nativity.

Carol service on 20th December will be held outside in the square where we invite anyone to come along and join in the celebration, followed by tea and mince pies.

Our Christmas service will be at the Lighthouse at 6.30pm on 24th December. Prayers will be said for all Millstreet residents during this time. If you have a particular need that you would like us to include in our prayers please feel free to call in or drop a note or just a name or initial through the door.


Here are the results of this weeks parish lotto draw  which was held at The Mal Passo Bar on Sunday night:

Numbers drawn were, 12, 20 ,30, 31, and the Jackpot was not won. €100 went to Frank Brosnan Rathduane. The seller was Tommy Tucker and he got €50 sellers prize. €50 went to John Howard c/o the Sandpit. €20 each to Patricia O Carroll, Tanyard. Nora Tarrant c/o Tarrant’s Bar, June Moylan/Pomeroy, Drishane Rd. Bridget King,Church St.   John Murphy, Clara, PJ & PT c/o Tom O Carroll,   Barry Murphy,Kilcorney, & KDJ, c/o the Millwheel Resturaunt.

Jackpot for next week €5,800 the draw at McCarthys Bar on Sunday night.

And our final word this week is please pray for the success of the Summit on Global Warming which is being held in France this week.

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